Knight-Errant - A Normal Game Mafia Wins!

Eh… I’m not sure if I’d call it good.

In Zone’s Testament I had a lot of trouble faking solving, and as such faked little more than what I needed to push agenda. I was… admittedly perhaps less subtle than most wolves who endgame, but we did a good job controlling the lim, so we exclusively voted out people with a correct wolfread. (And yes, I’m aware this is self-meta and void, I just find it interesting to talk about)

(Excluding the day where a wolf died of course)

Honestly though my wagon seems very similar to Bionic’s in that only Kiiruma has actually given any reason to have a scumread on me. Both my wagon and his wagon seem to be loaded with people who don’t have an argument to call either of us scum.

There’s probably something I’m missing here. Though I don’t expect to realize any time soon though continuing this line of questioning.

Part of me felt it might be too blatant to be TMI, but it was definitely a thought in my mind.

I… don’t know how that first post was still quoted. That was intended to be a quote of the post I replied to.

Im looking at where and when he is voting, and it looks like he is just voting on the top votes, without having any strong opinion himself

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@SultanOfSlam you figure it out

it struck me as particularly strange

Thought so, but I can tell you this much that I have no way knowing of SDA’s alignment, you might think this seems like wolf theatrics early in the day, but I am not the kind of w!frost that gets a wolf killed day 1 for shit and giggles.

What I want is process of elimination, and throughout the interaction, you and Bionic brought to my attention. I may as well add Eliza in the mix and that will be my next focus on Day 2.

So I kinda have a plan.

However, Zug.

Why did you retract the vote, surely its not because of Crescent when you did make up your mind with Bionic earlier?

It very much is because of Crescent!

What a pity, I thought you had independent mindset and that was for nothing.

What role did Bionic have in those popcorn games anyway?

Personally I never played popcorn games, you should ask Bionic specifically about their town and mafia game.

Just saying.

My take was specifically that they were a new VT who didn’t care but if they were a VT before the logic doesn’t track.

Oh dont worry I did

Wolfy post I feel and from it, I feel that if there’s a wolf in Derps/Bionic, it’s likely they’re partnered with Sultan.

This and it’s very wolfy too. It almost feels like you don’t care who gets exed as long as it isn’t you.

Everyone that plays Mafia hopefully.

Fair enough.

Startig to see why Trisscar I think it was, blocked you in Cyberiad. Chill out. I’m on the verge of voting you myself with how annoying you’re being right now.

Because no one ever lies in a game based on lies and deception. /s

I’d have to see how your friend was in said game to know for sure, but I do think Cresant was unecessarily rude and insulting towards you.

All this mention of popcorn is getting me hungry for popcorn irl.

Crescent/Bionic wagons are best I think.

Those on Derps should move to either Bionic or Crescent.

Are you claiming Bionic and you are w/w here?

Nope, I think Bionic is town and SDA is scum. I think scum is on both of our wagons.

It shoud’ve been a reply to a post. Weird.

What makes you so sure of both of those reads? I’m willing to bet it’s the other way around.