Knight-Errant - A Normal Game Mafia Wins!

I think it’s the opposite.
Metas should be mattering less as games progress, in my opinion.

At d3 people should have a solid look on the game itself to find even those people who changed (or tried to change) their meta for the game.


These statements contradict each other

I’m of the opinion that meta should have equal importance throughout the game, but should only be used to help temper reads, not make them. After all, people breaking their wolfmetas is possible.

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I don’t think it does, or perhaps I’m reading into what Marluna’s saying as it’s meant to be said… and I’m overlooking the actual sentence.

the issue with meta is 95% of the time people just be using it to conf bias reads

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This is the best of all of the takes

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How do they contradict each other?

“Meta should be used less as game progresses”

“At d3 there will be a solid to find if someone changed their meta”


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Honestly +wolf for this.

I don’t like how you are trying to appear “neutral” in this discussion

I kind of see it but I’m not so sure those two contradict each other.

Then you can use that for +wolf for me too since I’m agreeing with Leaf

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I don’t think your interacts are w/w tbh

VOTE: Brakuren

All I’m doing is trying to find out where everyone is coming from and understand how everyone came to the reads they have in order to help me read them better.

To clarify: Are you interesting in the line of reasoning? Or are you looking for ways to scum read people?

They can’t

There is no vig possible
Unless you count the sk

is there no vig

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Absolutely not.
I regard each game of it’s own.

That’s why I struggle to form strong reads during D1, and my reads gets better as the game moves on.

I never said the second sentence, you changed it to fit your narrative.

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