Knight-Errant - A Normal Game Mafia Wins!

I haven’t really gone through leafia’s iso, so I don’t mind digging through it at some point, my read is strictly meta which doesn’t really help you, since I don’t think I could effectively argue why it makes me think they are town

Can u reiterate them if u don’t mind or reply to me with ur post on it since I’m stuck on mobile for a while

Let me try to get an iso going as well more than juat a quick peak

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What you mean by this im a bit confused

Anyways I really need to finish work, I’ve snuck out enough tonight lol

This statement is a blatant lie lmao

i am confused on your confusion. what bit are you talking about

Millium (3): SultanOfSlam, SirDerpsAlot, otterpopd
ElizaThePsycho (2): Brakuren, Millium
Brakuren (1): Leafia
Rhea (1): ElizaThePsycho
Hazardwaste (1): Rhea

Not Voting (5): Hazardwaste, Kiiruma, Arctic, Dec, Marluna

I guess what you ment by their flippong their whole reas beacuse of this what do you mean by mind meld i guess

Anyways i think i got enough right nowcto UNVOTE

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give me a second

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oh we had the same thought about your slot

Wait and that makes tou scum that is weird

all of these were from like 12 hours into d1.

Which isn’t “All of D1”

and for the top town read bit

show me one post that was you townreading me in day 1

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I never said I townread you d1

then why was my sentence a blatant lie

Anyways back to Leafia. They called me thinking their scum read on me lacking and based on RSV and some “town would never do this” bullshit as a weak attack WIFOM. Then they continued to make basic attacks on more of this kind of of a thing rather than actually reason. Alot of their day 1 was based off of what happened in the first like 15 hours or so.

“They were gunning for me all of day 1”

has a very different meaning then

“They were suspicious of me at the start of day 1 and didn’t change their read till day 2”