Knight-Errant - A Normal Game Mafia Wins!

Otter always votes the weirdest people ngl

Cause apparently i ignored something?

you keep complaining about dead thread instead of pushing agenda in a dead thread


Your original premise was:

The following statements I disproved:

“Brakuren was gunning for me all of day 1”

Not true.

While I was suspisous of Hazard for Day 1, they were a Slight Wolf Lean. Not to mention, I don’t even look at the slot outside of the beginning of D1, this can be seen where most of the times I mention Hazard d1 early.

“then something apparently happened”

Intentionally Vague. I explained my reasoning pretty well.

I thought our interactions last night also made you look more townie.

“i am one of their top town reads”

You are TL for me atm, but that hasn’t been posted. Last time I mentioned my read on you it was “Slight Town Lean”, I wouldn’t consider that to be “The top”.

Now we got a premise change

“At no point at that day did you move me to null or dropped me from wolf vocally”

You were never in Null. But I never dropped you from wolf vocally, I had you at Wolf Lean EoD d1

" it looked like you flipped your read on me on a dime cause i was apparently wolf one day then a town lean then next"

This read has changed over the course of 2 days. At the start of D3 you were slight town lean, so this statement is incorrect.

This just blatantly feels like you are trying to manipulate the narrative surrounding my slot, as litterally every point you have made has contained misinformation



So you admit to omitting information lmao

You did not tell me day 1 or day 2 you read me as town. So how was i supposed to know you changed your read.

Therefore how is it a lie

Day 2 was litterally 12 hours and I was asleep when it ended wtf is this garbage point

From my pov you scum read me day 1 and then town read me.

What the fuck does that even mean

Hazard progression

Day 1:
Day 2:
Slight Town Lean
Day 3:
Town Lean
Slight Town Lean

Is this fucking day 4

I am a fucking dumb asd

you really expect me to publish my read changes when I litterally said “Don’t end the day” and then people majority anyways

Why the fuck did i think this was day 3

This is day 3

I dont expect you to. I am confused why you called me a liar when i had no way to read your mind and see your progression

This confused me

Now as in…

At this current moment

That’s what “Now” means