Knight-Errant - A Normal Game Mafia Wins!

It’s not LyLo

Wait actually Ig it sorta is? But it’s more so akin to MyLo

didnt really have time to do any notes last night, like last time, given my work schedule
ill dig into a bit later

its certainly not lylo, because the SK still exists, it will always be mylo, but im not certain it even is mylo?

why did u even claim here?

We definitely don’t vote sleep here so we probably should be treating it more like LyLo

Because it’s MyLO/LyLo

Why would I not claim? Not claiming actively harms town as it makes evils have more freedom to move.


i made an oops and forgot to add in the dead players to my numbers lol

hitting town here is 5/3/1, with the worst case being two more town die, and then its 3/3/1, its not really possible for town to win that I dont think

its only possible if like the sk helps vote a wolf, and then the sk kills a wolf

making it 3/1/1

so ya we should probably treat his as mylo

Who’s the second mason then? I’ll believe the claim for now and as long as a second pair of players don’t cc you, but this is far from mylo. Mislynching would still be bad though.

It makes me wonder too. Derps dying here is very weird. It’s definitely possible that Millium has been pocketing me up to now. Going to hold off on voting for the time being there. Honestly, me even being alive is making me wonder if I’ve unintentionally been wolfsiding in some way.

Brak was LHF until his mason claim.

Why would I do that?

11 people alive. Not 10.

First Stage: Denial

I’m not denying anything Brak.

the second mason probably shouldnt claim though?

nah they’re the topposter
without their influence the game dies > mafia win

Why not? We need all the cleared people we can get at this point.

Wrong. Couldn’t be more wrong if you tried.

i mean the only other person who is TALKING is like.
and Millium

not a very good combination

i guess, but meh

given the fact Millium is widely suspected

sorry that sounds like im insulting y’alll :skull:

tbf this is according to Sultan but