Knight-Errant - A Normal Game Mafia Wins!

i feel like it would be better to try to survive till actual lylo and claim there, but there is always the possibility of a cc battle for what its worth

though Im not even certain we get there based on our current trajectory lol

I meanā€¦

You did just spend 3 days death Tunneling a Mason

sultan is probably exactly mafia as I originally thought, but managed to get me to flip my read by pretending they didnā€™t understand the setup


anyways im gunna play poppys playtime chapter 3 which just released today :3
so ill be on and off for a bit

My reads on everyone alive.


Brak: Uncced Mason claim. Going to choose to believe it unless someone cces him today.







I know most people wonā€™t like this readslist because I donā€™t even like it. It shows me that Iā€™m likely misreading at least 1 wolf.

Yeah, that could be a small part of why Iā€™m still alive. Since I was pushing you.

Wolfy post I feel. You never wait that long to claim.

we just think differently

Plus, if Brak dies without claiming who his partner is, a wolf could easily claim to have been his partner.

no there are 10 the title is just wrong

which could easily happen if they died without claiming either way, it makes no difference

Thatā€™s exactly what I said. If he tells us who his partner is and they confirm it, wolves canā€™t just kill Brak and then have one of them claim to be his fellow mason.

like if was a mason, I wouldnt havent even claimed here, but to be fair, given this is me, realistically, if I was a mason I probably wouldā€™ve claimed two day phases ago

That scenario has already been accounted for

idk ive very rarely see that happen, id rather the other mason just hide if this is true, because both masons are just gunna die back to back anyways

What Iā€™m saying is that Brak has to reveal his partner and have them confirm so that a wolf canā€™t just kill him and claim to have been his partner and now is the perfect time to claim mason.


actually true, its probably somewhere in your iso

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Better than a wolf claiming to have been his partner and getting his real partner misexed.
