Knight-Errant - A Normal Game Mafia Wins!

A Serial Killer is a solo, uninformed third party. They are not burdened by TMI. It is not difficult to be towny as Serial Killer. It is not that difficult to be towny as a wolf, either, but you will get tripped up on pushing agenda or treatment of partners, both things that Serial Killers do not have to worry about.

The issue, of course, lies in the fact that being too towny will cause the wolves to attempt a nightkill on your slot, so I’m not sure Arctic’s play is optimal from a Serial Killer here. But we know that the Serial Killer, whoever they are, likely did get hit by a nightkill, so I don’t think that’s a particularly convincing point against him being Serial Killer.

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Like nobody else is counterclaiming it.
Brak is just good.

lol Arctic as a player isn’t really optimal for 3p roles

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u should catch up



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Kiiruma defo not wolf after that comment lol

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Uh… I’m missing something aren’t I?


Arctic explicitly stating he had suspected that otterpopd and I were masons, but the mafia instead moving to kill SirDerpsAlot, makes me suspect somewhat that he is not groupscum, though it is possible that he just considered the both of us close enough to the PoE that it wasn’t worth going for.

I found his comment earlier that Millium was being left alive as a “dedicated misexecution” odd, given I haven’t seen too much suspicion of Millium on preceding days.

His reads yesterday were also… mediocre, and felt like they were dampened somewhat. Very safe for how thoughtful a player he appears to be. This would track with a Serial Killer attempting to avoid a nightkill, though he would know that the wolves had likely already hit him once, so I’m not sure how worthwhile doing so would be.


We were not subtle. I wanted to make it entirely unambiguous who my partner was if I were to die at night.

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Fortunately, my reads were not of sufficient quality for that to be an issue.

Alright, so Rhea/Otter are both good then?
I don’t think that Brak does this as wolf, it reads as relatively genuine.
It is possible Brak did it to expose both masons, is what some can argue but I don’t think there’s agenda behind it.

After brak claimed, my brain started to pivot to you and otter worlds, because either u were masons or u were partners, given the how I watched u handle joyxat as ur partner, but I did also think this was bit too blatant for that

At least in all this I decided that sultan is town, and my PoE probably doesn’t change much, I probably just move Eliza back down and keep marluna/arctic

Who do you think the Serial Killer is?

Oh ngl I forgot Eliza existed

Arctic, I think he already knew he wasn’t winning after he saw that role pm given how he is handled on this site, his overall play fits not being too loud, and also still effectively pushing wrong reads, again if I knew for sure who the wolves killed, I’d probably just lock in in, since arctic had really strong suspicion on hazard, if wolves killed derps, but Eliza’s behavior could also be that given it’s a somewhat drastic tonal change from how she played in our last game where she was a wolf

Eliza’s play here is also pretty close to how they played in knights errant 2 where I incorrectly read them as town because I had an incorrect meta read, since I hadn’t played with them in a bit

Are u able to explain this progression

I don’t know why my post lost this quote