Knight-Errant - A Normal Game Mafia Wins!

I also said “Yeah I want to die tonight” like 5 more times

Crazy how didn’t realize

I rescind btw

Plan was to claim with Hazard, but since he died I had to basically solo claim and hope both wolves attacked me

I did it at SoD because I was outside of PoE so it wouldn’t cause any trouble with voting today (I put off doing it yesterday because people were voting me for a majority of it).

Atleast y’all got a good few reactions off it? Such as Marluna’s scummy vote in me.

But in general this is on you @Rhea @otterpopd for not paying attention

my PoE went down the toilet in a matter of minutes, mafia is a beautiful game

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Im not sure rhea even saw it tbf, which im confused on how this wasn’t discussed in their chat? Otter was incapable of taking this game seriously in their tone, and got scum read, of which, they would probably of had to claim regardless of you, given the current trajectory of the thread. just FoL things

why did u ask brak who his mason buddy was?

@otterpopd how did you not realize that I was softing that I wasn’t the mason here LOL

I saw the mason claim. I thought Brakuren was vaguely towny for attempting to cover for the masons, and my plan was to allow him to continue to get away with claiming it and chase after him if he didn’t die tonight. I did not know of or approve otterpopd’s plan to public-claim mason. I only knew that she believed Brakuren to be lockwolf, which I did not agree with.

I have been very busy these past few days, and I continue to be busy tonight.

Do not blame me. I did not think your claim was wolfy.

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because wolves doing this need a partner to back them up

that gets 2/3

I’m so sad Hazard died tho, it would have been way more funny considering how he flipped Tracker lmao

ya i still dont particularly believe that is what was happening here, Brak wasn’t in a position where they needed to do it if they are a wolf, and you seldom see a double mafia mason claim, unless we are in lylo

yeah well


no u

I do not want to argue in thread, but I would have preferred you checked in with me before doing this, otterpopd. Even if Brakuren were wolf fakeclaiming mason, there was a good chance the Serial Killer would eventually hit him. Wolves have little motivation to fakeclaim mason here unless they are trying to look like a townie setting cover.

My reads are, at present, bad. They have been bad throughout the course of this game. I do not have time to revise that tonight.

I believe one of Arctic or Millium to be the Serial Killer. In this setup, there is only one way for wolves to sink a kill, and it is the Serial Killers one-shot bulletproof vest. Barring a cross-kill or idled kill, the wolves know who the Serial Killer is and have burned their vest. I would not rely on allowing the Serial Killer to extend the game by stalling out wolves’ win-condition here.

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I do not think Brakuren is locktown, but I think that if he is a wolf, his plan was expressly to look like he was setting cover rather than a legitimate attempt to get cleared by claiming mason. With the way he’s outpaced the thread and played abrasively, I don’t think it’s particularly likely he is a wolf, though I do not underestimate him, and I do not overestimate the strength of my knowledge of this game.

Yeah I’m looking into Millium in like an hour, but I thought Artic was pretty towny, what makes you think that they are Serial Killer?

to be fair, if hazard was an sk kill, its like above rand it was Arctic
at least that’s kind of the world I’ve been sitting on when i was putting my gth PoE while at work