Knight-Errant - A Normal Game Mafia Wins!

one or two

So wolves, instead of going for a likely auto-win yesterdayā€¦ decided to instead bus a teammate and risk just losing? Gotcha.

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doesnā€™t this litterally just go against what you were saying

no? iā€™m saying i think wolves are in leafia/kiiruma/sultan

by wolves i mean mafia

It did matter because the sk had no way of knowing which wolf had it.

Because it is insane.

You were talking about a world of


yet if you look at the vote count:

Marluna (4): SultanOfSlam, Leafia, Rhea, Brakuren
SultanOfSlam (4): Millium, ElizaThePsycho, Arctic, Marluna
ElizaThePsycho (1): Kiiruma

Both of them arenā€™t voting Marluna.

Arctic is just tossing things at the wall and seeing what sticks at this point.

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oh my days
iā€™m saying i think the mafia are 2 of kiiruma, leafia, and sultan
this means marluna was being voted by one or two wolves

you just said leafia was sk

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no i think itā€™s more likely to be millium but if itā€™s not millium then maybe itā€™s her or sultan idk

That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever and is practically gamethrowing for mafia.

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In the world where itā€™s me + Leafia, Leafia decided to not kill Sultan to keep a wolf partner alive.

In the world where itā€™s me + Sultan then Sultan just hellbussed Marluna for little to no reason instead of going for a different wagon.

In the world where itā€™s Leafia + Sultan then wolves just decided to not vote Eliza and instead hellbus a teammate.


I also doubt itā€™s both kiiruma/Eliza since I donā€™t really think for one Eliza handled it like a partner, when kiiruma voted them, and I really doubt that kiiruma just votes their partner and never comes back, I mean I still donā€™t really think kiiruma is a wolf, and I really doubt they are an SK after day 2? Where they did all that mech solving, and producing all the possible setups, comes from the mindset of already knowing all the PRs

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Arctic is just howling at this point.

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Tbf I think he was kinda already howling last day phse


And speaking of mech B2-RD or D2-LU is the starting setup.
Doesnā€™t really help us much now but itā€™s just a fun tidbit.

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True enough. Why were you so set on following his lead on Sultan then though?

Anyway, going to call it a night now so good night everyone. :sleepingleafeon: