Knight-Errant - A Normal Game Mafia Wins!


Iā€™m being gaslit

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we have nothing but complicated games in the queue

this is bullshit

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Everyone on fol has an awful sleep schedule so its more rng on who gets it

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To be fair I was up at 2AM messaging Litten about hammer in a game I wasnā€™t even playing thatā€™s pretty bad

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Chloe also did that

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i have no clue what dora means

Shiny tiles. Thereā€™s 1 dora indicator flipped at the start of the game, and the tile after that is bonus points: white dragon up in the top corner means green dragon is dora, 5 of circles means the 6 of circles is dora.

If someone calls kan, they get to flip over another dora indicator and make another tile bonus points. If someone declares riichi and wins, they get to flip over an extra hidden dora indicator Just for their hand, thatā€™s ura dora.

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This means that calling kan functionally ā€œraises the stakesā€ of a hand - there are more shiny tiles, so thereā€™s more opportunities for the winner to get extra points. So if you donā€™t think youā€™ll win a hand, declaring kan is Unwise. This is why itā€™s very funny to kan every time you get the opportunity, so always do that.

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All Triplets is problaby my favorite yaku.

So does Dora remove a tile from the game?

So if there is a Dragon Dora does that mean that there canā€™t be 4 Dragon Tiles in play?

Yep. The tiles are set aside as dora indicators and donā€™t Do anything. So if you see a red dragon as dora indicator, thereā€™s only 3 red dragons actually in play, and you shouldnā€™t count on being able to finish that triplet if thereā€™s another on the table.

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honestly ritual mafia isnt that complicated minus the part where its rolemadness and thereā€™s a ritual phase where you want to execute villagers and

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is this a katze alt?

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no id never want to be delta

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no i was talking about the account that I replied to