Knight-Errant - A Normal Game Mafia Wins!

Scum do thisbto go back and refrence themselves bot to contradict themselves seen it alot. But ill take you at face value since ove never played with you

Frost was specially on my mind then I think, and Iā€™d have to individually decide which people as town would actually see that as wolfy, also I just feel like frost should know thatā€™s how I play but alas

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Are you trying to soft that Iā€™m a PR or smn


Iā€™m not going to post fewer reads because you donā€™t like them. Perhaps you should experience more thoughtful players.

I have posted plenty of explanation alongside my read lists. Itā€™s not like theyā€™re the only thing Iā€™m posting. If you have questions on the source of my reads, you can ask, as you have done, and receive an answer.

I can assure you that I donā€™t need to post my own reference notes in the thread.

Also just to clarify I donā€™t think my reaction was specificly towny I almost always respond exactly the same to that regardless of my alignment lol

Ignore me I fully misread something and Iā€™m not sure how I managed to read what I did

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I donā€™t play by meta, I donā€™t expect me to give you hints.

Theirs a difference between meta and understanding how a player plays

Isnā€™t that the main definition of meta?

I think im starting to understand you more now talking with you. You remind me of Creasent and her play usually annoys me but usually how i can tell shes town so. Im starting to move you to town in my reads.

Ill keep asking you questions and try to be less annoied lol

Similar concepts, not the same thing, meta is much more nuanced then using a general understand of a players playstyle

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There is common traits between each other. I am not going to help your case to defend yourself from the votes and their reasonings. But I do want to trust the voters on you, but I donā€™t see lot of promise.

I do tend to post full reads as a wolf, because it would be odd if I did not, given it is something I do so frequently as town. However, I post them less often, because posting full reads locks me into those specific reads, reducing my flexibility to argue what is convenient in the moment to push agenda.

Youā€™ll find that in Zoneā€™s Testament, I posted read lists early on during the first day, but never after that, not because I couldnā€™t fake one, but because I didnā€™t want to. I was able to push whatever execution I wanted at a given time, deciding who to kill based on which townies were the most correct, because I never locked myself in to a certain set of opinions.


I donā€™t plan on excessively defending myself thatā€™s too much work and Iā€™m not invested enough for that yet

Derpā€™s reasons to TR Hazard:

Derpā€™s reasons to SR Crescent/Eliza:

These show a consistent thought process. Both reference the idea that, because the thread was inactive, wolves would probably not want to have a big presence there.

Also, despite me asking a question along the lines of ā€œIs your Hazard read based on meta?ā€, he quite quickly produced a response that said no, and kept consistent with his previous implicitly stated thoughts.

His opener, Iā€™ll admit, is wolfy, but to be fair, the ā€œhaha I have a mechanically impossible redcheck on youā€ isā€¦ not a very funny joke (no offense Frost), and somewhat of an overused one, so pretty much any response is going to look somewhat awkward.

I can see that heā€™s not confident, but is that wolfy? I donā€™t have much meta on him, but I wouldnā€™t be surprised if thatā€™s just how he is as a player.

Not sure where you see him as insufficiently cautious, other than his opener. And I can see a perspective of T!him simply not thinking his reaction would be seen wolfy.

yup Iā€™m a lurker

You have more posts than me.

But I wouldnā€™t categorize myself as a lurker.

I guess im a decently active player but a much more active lurker

I just forgotten about the contextā€¦