Knight-Errant - A Normal Game Mafia Wins!


otter lady

I learned most of my things from someone Chris has known for like 20 years.

We don’t have that kouhai/senpai bond~


hello, be honest, did you bother to read my iso because it’s a very STRANGE take to boil my iso down to one of many reads I have given out :3

What di you want thoughts on mate

personally i want to see how where this Derp train goes, since we both align in not liking them, I think its possible u are both w/w given ur handling of kiiruma last game

your town list is fine outside Brak, but to be fair, I do think they could just be an aggressive player, but even in that case, I expect to see strong reads both ways, and not so much of a focus on wolves. it could also just be a playstyle difference since I dont focus on trying to rip out every little thing that could be wolfy from a players post

you argue Sultan is town simply for re-evaluating, do u expect every wolf to just mindlessly tunnel? and it doesn’t really come off as re-evaulating, since really they are just asking a question. This still feels exactly like how they played last game with but with he caveat of pushing votes, that dont feel bad

I mean if you’ll look at my reads, you’ll notice Crescent is also one of my wolf slots.

If it was anyone else but Achro id agree to this.

I think Rhea is just like obvious town


I mean yea lol.
3P at worst but prob ain’t 3P doing all this

Kiiruma, i iso’d you and saw no actual thought behind that vote
as per my notes

“Kiiruma votes them in #168, while responding to brak, which I always find the whole random vote in the middle of a conversation that doesnt involve it, to be wolfy in a bubble”

can you explain it?

Yeah… its not great i do feel a little more genuineness but still not the achro we know and love

probably not, feels to in ur face playing like that

SK is more likely to be in players that are taking the middle ground, not lurking, but barely doing enough to avoid dying via lynch hopefully

tbf I dont actually have a recent town game from him, so idk what I even love lol. What feels more genuine though?

Actually seems to be reading a bit more rather than just spewing out random things like last game

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Please explain some of these reads.

VOTE: Achro

Get to solving Achro.


I already solved half the slots.

but true half is half less than I should do to help my precious friends

no u didnt lol

That’d be impressive considering how many of them kinda aren’t doing anything

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