Knight-Errant - A Normal Game Mafia Wins!

Good to know for the future tbh.

I think alot of that is being bad at attempting to pocket someone? Rather than trying to Solve with them i sheep them?

I wasnt even aware of that tbh

no shot you are gonna argue these two sites have similar atmospheres

  1. @Millium

Heā€™s town because he isnā€™t having a lot of fun and got into a bitch fight with that other guy. Honestly wisp is the most polarized all time great scum player I know. Town. Confidence: 10/10

(maybe because I have known him for a long time shh)

I would not

this one is much better

Agreed. Brak comes off to me as very narrow minded, but the narrow mindedness feels genuine. I would guess town.

Only because there arenā€™t thousands of posts d1

oh also while getting locktowned is nice and all its also very annoying to just die for that and not even because I was correct

I told you this last game.

You never remember.

  1. @Marluna

okay I admit I havenā€™t read anyt Marluna posts that stuck out. ONE SECOND LEAFIA I AM SOLVING FOR YOU GIRL

mmm mmm

Votes Bionic, good good

unvotes bionic meh

Marluna hasnā€™t really done a lot to be judged either way I think. HONORARY SK ALERT

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lockscum you lied you said you wouldnt SK solve

Oh and yes I would say youā€™re awful at pocketing. Pocketing is a very specific skill.

This is how Acro solves as town:!-(Mountainous)?p=7636674#post7636674

Notice how much more effort he puts in?

lying is my town tell :D :D ::D

Ehh you may have my memory is kinda shot

Brakuren i have bad news.

didā€¦ you actually read that game or just assume



ruining my rt smh

  1. @Achromatic

Honestly I have played mafia 21 years, I have run out of jokes for my own slot. Hi Achro.

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