Knight-Errant - A Normal Game Mafia Wins!

Boring works better for a mafia game than trolling and actively disruptive.

well yes but actually no

Oh wow. Okay!


Creasent is showing her cuddly side

Imma good kitty cuddles sound good

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Okay ping me when you got stuff you wanna talk about i guess


VOTE: derps

Why exactly

VOTE: Achromatic

good answer ig


i hate straight unvoting but i dont think its achro

this stuff gives me the vibe that wolf!derps just doesn’t want to be in this game.

this feels like a lazy read they threw in to feel like they are doing something

these two posts in combination dont look great, it just feels like more of attempt to give off the vibe of fake solving, especially given they didn’t bother writing in their own thoughts on Eliza/Crescent here that they thought had a decent chance of having a wolf

another unexplained vote, to be fair, i probably should keep in mind they do a lot of gut reads, given what they told me from last game, so i think its a been unfair to argue all of these are an attempt to look good, I’d argue the “Achro town, everyone else null” is a very poor attempt of doing so if that was their attention

hedge on Brak is weird given idk why it exists

clearly self aware

this post is good given they are actively showing they at least care about some of their reads

Brak vote lines up with their previous thought so its good

then they like immediately unvote and move here
because of what they stated in #360, which im not to sure why they dont just stay on Brak here, there read is stronger there at least in terms of what they describe, and they came off as way more attached to their thoughts last game. Here it feels like they a flailing around

i thought u were super towny in the last game, which I already stated

Self awareness doesn’t feel great

meh? the game just started and plenty of people come and go, not certain why u made the point in the first place, but at least u explained it here.

idk I feel like this isn’t how u play as town?

fair read

good point

Idk i still dont really understand why ur not invested here? remind me again what the difference is between this game and last game, this game is also a lot slower so it should be easier to interact with

i still would like you to answer this, you been in the thread and still haven’t

I mean u did it last game, and had good posts, I dont have either of that here, so im not surprised some people brought up that point but again

this tends to come from wolves more often than town

funny given circumstances

this slot just feels like a wolf, from a meta standpoint, and from posts specifically made in this game, they have no drive, most of their votes arent great, and its just a huge departure from how obvious they were last game, and them dropping that vote on me just feels slimey given why couldn’t they just talk about what pinged them when they voted me. This isn’t the town derps i know

anyways im going to sleep, I have work again in the morning.

P.S: people hate walls, and i dont know how to spoiler, so at least glance over the thoughts, it really isn’t that hard given we are playing a text based game here

i love walls and i agree wirh you

How I’d sum it up is that SDA kind of feels like a caricature in this game. He does things, but nothing feels like it has any “oomph” to it. He hasn’t made a single vote that comes off like he actually believes in it.

Weren’t you the one, who said that D1 meta doesn’t matter?

Or am I mistaken you for someone else?

I re-checked.
It definetly was him…
VOTE: Brakuren

marluna does not understand scarscam