Knight-Errant - A Normal Game Mafia Wins!

The word you’re looking for is NAI and shouldn’t be used as D1 policy execution. Same as Dec (I am catching up)

These types of jokes don’t work in writing.

And it’s easy to say to “hehe It was just sarcasm” when someone spots the inconsistency with your vibes.

I used like 10 emojis

I still don’t like what that post implies. But I don’t have any stronger lead right now…


Okay thanks for the legacy and the memories, even though they weren’t so great.

Even if jokingly Brakuren refered himself as scummy, so at least we know that he knows too his behaviour isn’t the best-looking.

Can anyone tell me what’s the case on Derp or Achro?

Just tell thecase on Derp.
I’m not vibing with two out of the three people on Achro’s wagon.

Yeah okay, social deduction isn’t your strong point and the voting is part of said social deduction.

However you have to understand that more wagons isn’t necessarily good.

It’s starting as RVS on Derps, he haven’t responded well. That was one whole day ago.

Sounds like unpaired

Or you could’ve ignored and talk with me.

Is it rly just lingering RvS?
Because last time I was here it had only 3 votes.

Totally misleading summary as you are the only vote on Derps that was placed during RVS.

At least, of the 5 people currently voting him.

Afaik RvS doesn’t have a clear cut end.
So i will cann go with abenefit on Wolfon this.

Unless someone can tell the case, if it isn’t RvS.

It borders on being an outright lie to say it’s an RVS train. Frost’s vote was RVS. Pressure on SDA started after his terrible votes on Rhea and then on me, followed by play that vibed multiple people as “off”. This was 300-400 posts into the game. Chris voted him in post #367 after saying in #362 his behavior “reminded him a lot of SDA’s scum game.”

Chris is Achro, right?
Stupid question, you just wrote down the post numer, I can look it up…

Thats not misleading, why are you worked up with the details?