Knight-Errant - A Normal Game Mafia Wins!

@Leafia @otterpopd @Brakuren @Someone

if yall could skim thru these posts here and give me your thoughts on the whole interaction here I would appreciate it

Why these four people specifically?

I don’t have any read of significance on Rhea or Chris and my Sultan read has wavered over time. I think it was Rhea who noted a lot of people have seemed to hedge on Sultan being scum throughout the day. Given that and my distrust for the train he developed, I could see the argument that he was being treated as an easy distraction.


You can figure it out im sure lol

You’re dodging my question, why is it important for you?

It’s hard to tell for me tbh. Because I have an a never wavering ideal that “AtE = NAI” so even if I see frustration, I just put the person into null. Bionic seems like a very emotional player, at least from the posts that you showed me, I at the moment I have them in Null and am just sheeping my TRs because I don’t like the people on the other two top wagons.

Im not dodging it I just genuinley want you to figure it out theirs a very clear reason and once you see it youll be like “oh”

Yes, they are voters on Bionic. So what?

You could have pinged Zugzwang too, you know

I didnt consider any of the emotional elements really, it was more about the way they posts were coming out and the way the engaged in the discussion/answered felt like what I would expect from a town at the level they appear to be at

I dont memorize who wolf reads who I just looked at the most recent vote count and @ed them

So you’re not aware of Zug’s read on Bionic?

Iv read it at some point im sure, I do not currently remember it no

My short term memory can be very selective sometimes

What’s keeping you off of mine, specifically? My wagon has Bionic on it, who you have at null. If you thought SDA was scum, you’d be voting him, and I don’t recall you voicing any particularly strong suspicion of Kiiruma.

Zugzwang looked up from the popcorn games, either there’s no difference for Bionic at all or has one game that does be more town, but lacks it here.

He also voted Bionic at one point and then drops it from Crescent’s comment I stated earlier when I was making three-way ISO dive for Zug, Bionic and Eliza.

Hm, so you prefer [Leafia, otterpopd] read wise compared to [SDA, Bionic, Me] got it.

When I had looked at the popcorn games I felt a tone shift to an extent and my recent conversations kept the same feeling so I’m feeling pretty good about town bionic atm

I was under the impression Bionic was a newer player than he actually is, but what exactly is this popcorn game that keeps getting brought up. What happened?