Knight-Errant - A Normal Game Mafia Wins!

I dont actually think we should exe Crescent here btw because as I had said easlier I do disagree with policy votes

It was more of a way to show them in action exactly how unhelpful going after players for their playstyle is to the overall game, and how annoying it is to deal with as the person being voted.

You shouldn’t have said “Yep I am wolf” and selfvoted, black and white world out there. Perhaps I grow tired of being playful for once.

Highly emotional players tend to get hellmurdered where I come from so I’m not quite used to playing with them. It kind of just feels like trying to make the pieces fit after just makes the vote weaker because it makes the emotional component stick out more. I feel like if Leafia/SDA were paired a far more direct line at me makes a lot more sense.

Lets just kill otterpop and call it a day


so correct me if im wrong but you are agreeing with this post and using the reasoning “haha you openwolfed first post no need to think more”

Or Achromatic for shots and gigs

If you know you are in the wrong, saying sorry is a nice gesture towards the person you wronged.

And with saying sorry unprompted will tell the other person you know you were wrong at least.

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I wouldn’t be opposed to this. Otter has now placed important votes on two key wagons, both on players they’ve never called scum.

Both times they’ve dipped immediately after making those votes.

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Ill be a trend setterVOTE: otterpopd

Does that matter? I have my reasons to keep my vote on you for the rest of the day. But doesn’t mean I wasn’t disinterested in your attempt to prove your innocence.

In case you haven’t noticed, you aren’t locked out. But I need convincing.

Actually, Otter’s now done it three times in their last 12 or so posts, thought SDA was at least a scumread.

Voted SDA, vanished. Came back several hours later, voted Bionic, and vanished. Came back three hours later, voted me, and vanished.

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I havent seen you make any attempt to solve my slot this whole game

Crescent (4): Kiiruma, Bionic, otterpopd, Leafia
SirDerpsAlot (3): Frostwolf103, Achromatic, Rhea
Bionic (2): Someone, Marluna
SultanOfSlam (1): ElizaThePsycho
Leafia (1): Brakuren
otterpopd (1): SultanOfSlam

Not Voting (6): Hazardwaste, Crescent, Dec, Zugzwang, Millium, SirDerpsAlot

VOTE: Otterpopd

Note he did vote Chris, but Chris was not a wagon at the time and Otter was the only one on him.

Excuses. But you’re free to vote off mafia somewhere. I am not complaining if you do the job for me.

I really think we are onto something.

It matters to me because from a town perspective you should want to solve my slot, while from a mafia perspective you can sit back with your cushy little haha he openwolfed read and not had to make any attempt at solving their with an easy cop out