Knight-Errant - A Normal Game Mafia Wins!

Oh wow, I see.

Will you vote someone before you leave pls

True but like I still donā€™t think their approach shows caring and a lot of what Iā€™ve read still feels a bit malicious. Again I like to hyper focus on their eods cause I think itā€™s when they are at their weakest as an evil alignment

If I vote anyone hereā€™s itā€™s effectively just wheeling, and I donā€™t trust any of yā€™all enough to sheep you (including you bionic) I think I will leave my vote on nothing for today

Im not super confident in otter being a wolf and am very confident on me and bionic being town

Im not a fan at the way the threads going rn

Not sure what to think of Crrescentā€™s wagon just disappearing honestly.

Itā€™s when Iā€™m weakest regardless of my alignment.

What do u specifically like about bionic? I like your eod, so I donā€™t really want to see u die anymore

The interesting thing is we pondered this same question about Bionicā€™s wagon an hour ago.

Thatā€™s what someone who uses AtE would say

how do we feel about a CFD to someone? Their dealing with of bionics slot has felt lazy to me

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Otter pop has been the scumiest person in the game hence why i want them gone im pushing my own lynch idk how you think this is remotely similar??

Either way vote scum otterpop with me

Didnā€™t we do that with a barely active Someone last game and he flipped town

Like iv been saying the tone between here and the popcorn game they were a wolf in is IMO vastly shifted

It literally isnā€™t. Quote even one post contain8ng AtE from me from this game.

Eh looking at past games flips is a slippery slope and not something id like to bother considering

They are not.

Most wolves are perfectly capable of coming up with a justification for their faked reads, and they have no incentive to hide this reasoning, because it is not real. There are no gambits for information as a wolf. You have all the information already.

While, of course, wolves can imitate ā€œI have a read but I donā€™t want to explain itā€, doing so is going out of their way to do something a lot of people will end up wolfreading. Wolves instead tend to be overly concerned with looking readable and explaining themselves in thread, at least in my experience.

Again, the same reasoning as above: wolves donā€™t want to look like they donā€™t have thoughts. A town misexecution is a town misexecution, so if they are not actively bussing, their best course of action is often going to be to stick on the vote that makes them look consistent and opinionated, and if they do move their vote, to explain it extensively.

Town donā€™t care, and will swap opinions often based on new information. Over the course of swapping these opinions, they will not necessarily bother to explain themselves every time. Again, this is not a 100% accurate tell, since wolves can obviously imitate this behaviour if desired, but in an environment where people wolfread explanationless votes, making them is towny behaviour.

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You canā€™t use meta from a popcorn game to help you make reads in a normal game.

But others have said they donā€™t see it? I never got the chance to look at the game

I wouldnā€™t hate seeing otter voted out today for what itā€™s worth, but I havenā€™t seen reason to move my vote

Aight I need to go, I wonā€™t be CFDing on anyone unless I happen to come back in time and change my mind, but a likely no. Also CFDing on someone would effectively just be me as an inactive saying donā€™t be inactiveā€¦ (I say this as it is the only reasoning I personally could possibly have for voting them RN)