Lackadaisy FM: Pick Your Poison Wolf victory.

i’m trying to follow through the last 50 posts
but it’s too late in the evening to parse it
in general jormok and zorvo seem like a town duo
and marluna’s plan doesn’t make sense to me so

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also i’ve never seen kana be this aggressive
other than in dww when usually she has information
but i haven’t had a game with kana where she wasn’t vigi shot day 1

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It’s easy though.
If mafia chose easily to confirmable roles, they will shoot in the PR claims. (And they don’t claim PR)
If mafia chose hard to confirm roles (likes cop or Tracker) they won’t shoot into them. And they will try to claim at least one PR role so town has to deal with the PR claims instead of them.

So I force them to reveal their picks as early as N1.
(It’s better than hardclaiming my role)


didn’t expect this game to start right away

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You aren’t alone with this.
I was very lonely for a bot.

tell me who to vote lol

Him, her or them.


oh you’re trying to get info off the mafia kill
i didn’t get it til you explained it like i was lil

#360 posts

shouldn’t be hard. anything i should keep in mind before I dig in?

Also it’s not my job to tell who to vote.

so we got a N0 kill?

This death was a joke. probably.

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Info-whise, I don’t think anything should be prioritized.

  • Role and alignment flips will be shown after a player dies.

  • Lackadaisy Flavor for Alignments and Roles are randomized

is this a 12p game now?

This is still a 13 p
(Atlas wasn’t a player, he was killed off-screen)

no wait. the math doesn’t add up. we still have 13p list and atlas is just a hidden 14th

something test
VOTE: atlas

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