Lackadaisy FM: Pick Your Poison Wolf victory.

And I am talking to myself again…

I’m here! Just don’t know what to say really, ya know? I tend to overly town read, so I really don’t have much imput on all that.

What I say?

I was just trying to figure out some stuff that’s all.

Sorry, I don’t mean to be so argumentative, I try not to be.

I can’t deny I am hot headed in the sense I go by my on beliefs and don’t follow others unless I myself want to do as such.

Not the reaction I expected.

Oh I get it.
I just find it blah because let’s be honest.
They are trying to deny potential clears.

Like sure it isn’t impossible but that’s why I asked if everyone is confident a wolf has been in thread because if they haven’t we can confirm that a certain team cannot exist.

Which is good. Clears are good for us.

That’s all I’m saying.
Ask me next time Marluna.

If they have*

I will admit I sometimes argue over pointless stuff as if I expect something to come out of it.

While sometimes I do get correct results out of it, it doesn’t always happen as such, mostly it just results in me trying to get something out that just won’t happen.

Seriosly I was lucky I was here at SoD, and because I got my RC after mafia chose it, I know that it’s possible for mafia to miss the SoD with the 50 min notice.

Sorry, I Nitpick.

Even though it’s only failed more then not I have correctly gotten accurate tells out of it.

An example is the one game where I figured out Rue was wolves with OutedWolf simply by Rue’s read on them because it was such an obvious way to shove a partner in your town reads.
No one else seen this though.


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I just wanted some clear.

It’s all good! When in doubt, it’s all text ya know? No physical harm, no foul. Debating is good, even better when it’s on something that might be useful!

But it’s on the margin of angleshooting so I haven’t shared with you all so far. (It’s technically part of the game…)

You wouldn’t have directed if they want to “CC” (I’m not gonna get into why “CC” with “PR claim” is bad again, I’m just gonna get to the point.)
you instead would have just asked Kiiruma if they claim PR or not.

Or not talked about the CC period.

U just dont c the :horse_racing:

You expect me to argue?
I’ll pass.

I appreciate it though letting me know that I’m not gonna get any point for the discussion.

Sometimes I keep thinking I will and should probably stop.

Beancat said the discussion shouldn’t be discussed but I think he was also confused on what I was saying.
Pretty sure Beancat thought I was saying to focus on those players but all I was saying is those players cannot be all together so that World is removed.

They were the first one who didn’t believe my PR claim.
It’s just weird, if they don’t have info on me. (Which they couldn’t have unless we are both mafia)
So unlike my PR claim suggestion, the cc was a joke cause less than four players posted so far…
Should I had really spell it out for you?

Keep in note if Kiiruma tries to ignore this post because “lol Zorvo I don’t need to” don’t let them get away with it, I would like to talk with people and somewhat finish that discussion.

@Zenon I know you’re not here yet but I do know you’re similar in the sense you and Kiiruma seem to enjoy rivalling me or something like that.
Do you at least understand my concerns on Kiiruma here?