Lackadaisy FM: Pick Your Poison Wolf victory.

Beancat has spoken, once, iirc

nvm, twice!

Ah yeah I just looked.

They have actually spoken twice.

So I guess it just clears Baker/Lol/Zenon from being the full wolf team.

So, yeah, 1-2 wolves have probably spoken, since only 3 people have not spoken this game.

so you think thereā€™s a wolf between the zero-posters?

Are you trying to make them say that Guava?

Oh wait he did say 1-2

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Ok yeah that is a good question.

Iā€™m saying it is possible, not guarenteed.

If he doesnā€™t respond and flips wolf we could probably assume there is a wolf within the 3.

Other then that I wouldnā€™t bother with the 3.

I didnā€™t ask if it was a guarantee, I asked if you believe it

like gun-to-the-head do you think someone who hasnā€™t posted is a wolf

You did also say 1-2 so why didnā€™t you say or even at any point mention that all the wolves could have posted already? @Jormok

VOTE: Jormok

If you want me to consider moving my vote off.

give him a sec he has like 4 posts to respond to lol

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Plus, Iā€™m playing a game rn, Lemme look at this stuff.

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5 Bucks says at least one of Kiiruma or Zenon wolf reads me.

They do it almost every game and over half the time I am town like I am this game.
Unless one or both is a wolf idk.

Thatā€™s a tricky question. I can only say it is possible, and as a resultā€¦ sure? Yeah? Better to think there is one there than false clear or something.

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okay good answer

Cause a lot of people kept talking as if there was a wolf in that group, because people didnā€™t talk. This allows for them to be correct, and the other side to be correct to by allowing for there to be a wolf in both groups, with the amount undetermined.

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