Lackadaisy FM: Pick Your Poison Wolf victory.

You shouldn’t argue with Zorvo, I think. Most of the time it’s healthier to just accept what he says. He is hot headed and hard to argue against, when he doesn’t care to check the whole meaning of your sentences.

(And from what I know about him, he will pick up only from this post, that he is hot headed, and will try to argue against that, even though it doesn’t change the outcome of the game)

yeah but it’s hard to just. ignore a whole player, especially in a small game without ITAs

I think it can be used as practice, at the very least, to attempt to formulate arguements against people like that. I need that practice, tbh.

But ignoring and not arguing are two different things, in my opinion.

this whole game is arguing even if it’s not like. agressive
so I guess debating is the word I’m looking for but “debate” makes you sound like a nerd

Honestly it’s a good word, in my vocobulary.
Also doesn’t playing FM makes us nerds automatically?


nah me personally I’m a jock (lie)

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actually not lie cuz my typing sounds are animal crossing jock villager


:face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Everyone is lieing on the internet.
FM just makes deception into a game.

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you’re obviously eyebrow raising because you knew I was lying about lying right


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The correct answer is: Left.


How could I be so blind!


These two are a) not the same statements and b) not something we should be discussing
im electing to ignore all zirbo posts until further notice

Not really something i vibe with cause selfmeta go brrrr

Oh well tho

As it’s not a self meta.
It’s a fact.
Just check any of my games.
If I’m not a prime scum suspect D1, I am not in that game.

I’d say so yeah.
Could argue that it might not be TMI but I just found that interaction weird if done by a wolf.

Like Asks if they want to CC when you can’t really CC a PR anyway, then asks “the two PR to only claim PR not their actual role”. as if they don’t consider Kiiruma could ever be a PR meaning Kiiruma would have to be wolf.

Idk to me the wording from Marluna is weird if Marluna is wolf, weird for Kiiruma to be town unless Marluna was like super confident Kiiruma was VT but that doesn’t even make sense like it’s more likely they just knew Kiiruma can’t be PR because Kiiruma is their partner. Idk man.

Not following your logic.
What if I just wanted to confirm if Kii is PR or not, and I came up with the suggestion afterwards?

If I would be wolf, I would know how likely that a town PR would come out for that in the time between those two posts.

Guess it looks like no time has passed between those two posts reading back now. (But I am 90 percent sure it was at least 10 minutes)