Lackadaisy FM: Pick Your Poison Wolf victory.

I know DM can get hot headed, this is true.

he probably jumped off. i will check back later


promise mason presign

oh this looks like quote

Very far away.

Maybe she rolled mafia and just doesnā€™t want to destroy the pregame Masonry. (Iā€™s a joke)


Not cagey though?
That post very explicitly says ā€œdont claimā€

IC means innocent child, look for its description in the OP

Cool im caught up

It appears i am playing with sensible people that arent posting 1000+ posts while im asleep

Please welcome two new members to my readlist: etha near the top and baker near the botton

This post i believe is great for how early it is, sure itā€™s vibes but they very clearly explain why they are feeling said vibes so that other people can follow their train of thought

And in response, the post that made me put baker lower:

People liking or disliking wallposts i think is a matter of personal preference, not to concerned about that
But the accusation of ā€œtone being inconsistentā€ is a wild one - like of course initial game rvs and actual analysis are going to be different? Plus if anything id put thay ā€œinconsistencyā€ with someone who said they found a scumread and asked how to ISO only to talk with zirbo for like 10 posts

Lastly that last part - ā€œi didnt mean to bring tbis much attentionā€ feels a lot like a copout

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Im trying to be actually plays the game she signed up for assertive bean this game, someone lmk if im horribly fucking up

Happened the last two times i tried to be town lead hopefully third times the charm


Small read as well

Jormokā€™s ISO is mostly discussing peopleā€™s activity and mechanics

Feel like this is more scummy than not, smth that scum would do early on to seem helpful early on

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Everytime i come here.
It becomes silent somehow

Oh hi!

Talk me through your baker read

Realistically I donā€™t have any baker reads.
They just try to engage with the new community in my opinion.

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i was commenting on how much effort it took to communicate something simple, its not a great sign >.<

Personally Iā€™d lean arty town off that

debate useful word for not making people upset when you argue with them fwiw

Welcome to my FM playstyle! Especially in small games where I feel like my voice will actually be heard


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i mean technically thats better f we somehow town read every single person who posts >rand Town
but I feel like we have bigger problems if that happens