Last poster before threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7)) (Part 8)

obviously this is not true in a practical setting, people would be far more upset on seemingly getting betrayed then getting knocked out normally, but i find this point interesting so

Game theory … Reminds me of split snd steal … There was this game theory video about ppl having different strategies of splitting or stealing 20 times in a row vs each other. The most successful strategy was to always split, and if someone steals, steal back, but then if they decide to split next, you forgive them snd split again. There was a video by one smart guy … Mark robert or something. He concluded that the optimal life strategy is to start off kind, dont let others push you around, fight them if they fight you, and also be prone to forgiving

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i’ve seen this mhm

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He later bribed 4 people who were elected as team captains for 4 groups with 1 million each to eliminate their whole teams and they themselves play on and none of them accepted the bribe

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the guilt might’ve not been worth it

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…this isn’t a game theory thing it’s just a comment

although theoretically speaking if there’s been two “sacrifice other people for your own gain” in one video who’s to say there won’t be a third

Woe is them, they should’ve known something is wrong with Mr. Beast since july.

silviu if you saw me kick a puppy then offer you a solid gold bar would you then not take the gold bar

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Did I misread something horribly that you’re making this comparasion

mr. beast isn’t a great guy but if he offers you the chance for world-changing money are you not gonna take it

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If I am one person in 1000 and if is expected for me to play unfairly, I’m not sure what would my chance prognosis would be

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It seems more a game of timing your greedness right so others doesn’t overtake you and you get threw down the chute. If we look exclusively at that part with taking bribes at the cost of sacrificing a great row of other people.

there’s people out there who seriously gamble

I have a feeling that they’d miss work (so they have to dismiss or get fired) for such a show… and shall they fail, they presumably get no recompensation hence why everyone on the show looks really heartwrenched

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if they’re not the people mrbeast hires to fill it they’ll just have time off

I’m surprised that dogpack was actually really off-mark, seeing what other people have to say about his video and going further to plump more issues with him…

At the very least Beasty’s not beating the “very problematic friend” and “desperate greed” allegations

Remind Silviu to reread his comments before sending them out

Me me me


If i say good things can you guys reward me by calling me a good puppy please please please