All Cops Are Bad.
Millionaires are bad.
Video Games Improve Problem Solving Skills.
Most People Are Wrong About Things.
My relationship dynamic with my ex was “she tells me what to do and then i do it”. I miss that. It was great fun. I want something like that again
Women hold back women all the time. Men hold them back too. Women do it too. Both men and women can be like “you shouldnt do this as a woman” to women. Fucked up
If a woman has like an inappropriate / degen / nsfw humor shes held back by women on the accusation that she’s doing it to grab the attention of men. And then that woman sometimes ends up hanging out more with men coz theyre more likely to be accepting of being like that (like having like my humor) coz its more socially acceptable for a man to act like this than for a woman
i’m honestly more interested in who you mentally base the average fortess of liars on
or maybe it’s who you think is most likely to give you a worthwhile response
could you clarify please
Youbie and Amelia are the average FoLers due to least amount of distinguishable traits as per your drabble duel 1 impression (joking)
I was about to say Benguined but he’s not gay
I dont care about that I just post coz I wanted to post the posts. If noone responds that changes nothing to me
I wonder how i come across from the outside. Everything i say and do makes perfect sense to me, in my head. So its boring. I cant surprise myself. I can anticipate my every next move. I am the only person in the world unable to experience how i come across as from the outside. Fucked up. Im so curious. I wanna think someones thoughts when they interact with me
Good puppy
Very good puppy.
Good puppy.
My heart beating so fast i cant believe you said that i
Best puppy.
Second-best puppy.
(You can’t take over our IRL boy.)
I love Luni!!! I love Luni!!! Bork bork bork bork!! (shits on your carpet)