if i got asked whether to get 20 million dollars instantly or one dollar per day for the rest of my life i’d pick the latter. it’s called passive income
nyaaaaaaaaaaaaa losing memories in what way / what kind of memories
how can you know if you start losing memories if youve lost your memories, checkmate atheist
you cant die but it doesnt say anything about dementia
as in “i saw my paternal grandfather die from complications due to severe dementia and i would rather die than experience that”
How is it not how it works? If you have 20 additional years added to your lifespan, that is 20 years that you will not be close-to-death terminally ill for
the dollar’s gonna crash any second now and that’ll mean the dollar is worth way more
get ready to learn tithonus buddy
you dont know that for certain
what if you end up being permanently trapped on the edge of dying of cancer. like deadpool
why not
you can be close-to-death and then just not die
or well not permanently just for 20 years. what if you became deadpool for 20 years
also you could just not die but be in a vegetative state
what if you became ryan reynolds
yeah youre really disciplined, you gotta learn not to take the instant gratification in life
they should abolish the dollar quicker trading livestock is much fun i want to take care of animals and farm to buy stuff
we should rank these
Okay but we’re not applying fucking genie logic to the rest of these wishes now are we. We’re not saying “oh the resurrect one person wish creates a zombie”, we’re not saying “the British monarchy is overthrown by an evil dictatorship that’s worse”, they’re being taken in good faith here, the chances of trapped-on-the-edge-of-death are no greater than a normal lifespan
okay but i know for a fact that being trapped on the edge of death for years is possible and it happened to both of my grandfathers before they died. so, like.
it’s not that unrealistic
It’s possible but it’s not going to be >rand likely to happen is my point. If that happens to you with this deal it was likely already going to happen in my mind