Last poster before threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7)) (Part 8)

nah ghosts are not it didn’t cook

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i am a certified and verified “hydra in a non hydra game” hater sorry to say


it’s just a glowing person you can go through :pensive:

other way around

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this mf gets it 100% ghosts fr gotta be one of the most unappealing mythical creatures around

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I’m a hydra enjoyer. I love hydras and hydraing

typical based marissa

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oh yeah lmao

Third option: Both.
(Actually, maybe walrus. Fairies don’t exist, so I would’ve just seen nothing and thought it was a prank.)

I think hydras in a non hydra game aren’t a big deal and people should get over themselves

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nothing in this mortal world would particularly surprise me

third option: a dead body

*highly prevelant in american society

before someone brings out Johannes Die Circumzeichecisionman from a 1804 germans children tale

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Annoying is reasonable but “unplayable” is a stretch

if you’re coastal there’s perhaps an obvious answer but as someone who lives nowhere near any major bodies of water both would require a fundamental misunderstanding on my part of how the world works. i’d have to think about it

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yeah its not unplayable but it shouldn’t be a thing. It makes things unbalanced asf and adds a whole new dimension to having to read players


*reads thread title*
By the way, who got–

…of course.


I literally do not get this in the slightest. There are practical, if obscure, explanations for a walrus getting to your door. Any magic that could cause fucking fairies to exist could just as easily manifest a walrus at your door. The surprisingness of one is a strict subset of the other


i’d probably answer walrus just because i’d have a better ability to understand what’s going on and actually be surprised. i probably wouldn’t assume the fairy was a fairy at first

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