Last Stand of the Virtuous 5.5 - Day 4 (12/17)

right I’m not sure that’s going to be helpfully comparable to forum mafia
carbonated’s past town games have virtually 0 flipflopping in them which is completely contrary to today
their wishy-washy non-commital stance is consistent with how I think scum are playing in regards to thread state analysis as well
VOTE: carbonated - better candidate than pandora for group scum

Good morning! I am in class right now, but I can backread and give discussion topics when I’m out of class!

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i think we need to follow the king

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VOTE: Carbonated

Why is SDA voting the silent player

Oh I actually found something in Dorian Gray from carbonated

Only once, again, though

Yes it’s a discord
I rarely touch these forums

yes LOL i loved the characters and the flavor

but i was so pissed i couldn’t claim or i’d kill my mason buddy :((

Do you want to address my accusation that your significantly increased wishy-washiness is scum indicative?

ig fair enough but i would argue my push on Beancat and Pandora are a lot more solid than my other pushes in the past…

I am 100% ngl I don’t see how I’m playing any different

My physics teacher would call this a lack of self-awareness probably

I still maintain a push towards Pandora and Beancat

i will leave my thoughts on this till after carbon is finished. unless thats your entire reply

I’d be lying if I said I’ve read every single post in depth. I’ve skimmed some things but often have read some bits in full. For example for certain walls I’ve not been reading the entire thing if it’s just “Catch up and mild commentary”.

As for my confidence, it’s similar to usual, I believe in my own convictions, however I recognise that I can be uninformed as to certain things which others may pick up in a different way and it is also possible to just miss or disregard something which should be taken note of. Funnily enough I don’t have 700-ish posts all in my head at once.

If I want something to happen then I personally think it benefits my team for something to happen. Then that’s up to everyone else if they decide to make a judgement call as to whether they agree with such or not, and on top of that, how people may wish to read me due to my own reads and convictions.

sorry I am in CLASS rn it’s kinda difficult for me to respond!!!

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XD dw your good.

Hm. Hm. So you have not read everything.
That explains why you’re not deathtunneling Jarek.

can you explain what tunneling means?

also i need to know more about pandora, would it be enough if i just iso’d them?
will join when i catch up

@Kiiruma, start reading from here.

Jarek saying Prince which could be a slip as to it being BD?
And/Or Jarek rolefishing?

Yeah I’m not a fan of either of those things. And think it should be discouraged. If I didn’t think that the slot for the most part was fine, I’d be voting there.

It comes from the term “tunnelvision”. In other words, “focusing on one person only and nothing else”.

  • Is it a good thing?
  • Is it towny?
  • Is it annoying in general?
  • Will people do still do even if it doesn’t make them look good?
    It depends: How many problem children have you dealt with in your entire life? This is more or less similar to that. A tantrum of sorts.
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