Last Stand of the Virtuous 5.5 - GAME OVER, UNSEEN AND ANGEL WIN

I randed king 2 times in a row and in both games my D1 was spent defending myself because people wanted to kill me just because, and for that reason I am in the unique position of knowing what it’s like to be voted for literally no other reason than “you randed the wrong slot”

King also has additional abilities this game that my previous ones didn’t which I’ve no idea how they work, but it’s an additional power boost to the role. They’ve no risk of claiming what specific role they got so I expect them to do so in a few days.

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Is this about Daeron saying it was scum AI to vote for them?

so the whole thing is about killing the king or not + Illu right?

I’m happy to discuss my slot with you. I do have class in like an hour, but I can discuss until then or after. Ask away! :+1:t2:

When is EOD? I think I saw it was Wednesday. :thinking:

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i was afk zzz

Frost’s posts made me think he’d only vote at EOD (which is not what he meant). I think there is no such thing as “too soon to vote”; if we can vote and we have a suspect, then we should vote immediately. However, I also prefer if we don’t keep switching our votes every five minutes. (Nobody is doing this; I am just giving an exaggerated example.)

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So, from what I’m reading, it looks like blue is like vampires and gold is like coven from TOS? I figured they would’ve both been the same. That’s what I think of when I think of conversions in social deduction. I don’t really see how gold is conversion-based though. Do they just keep passing the title of Arbiter to new converts?

Evils can only have three members at a time. Plus, they can’t convert on the night after we execute one of them.

So like, regardless of who we execute, they can’t convert at N1.

Sorry I’m on mobile and can’t easily filter these things. Can you @ me to a message that explains why these are your vote candidates? Is it simply POE for you, or did you mention a reason?


We won tho so peak

Merpys questioning feels towny enuff

If your suspicion on me is based on my take of the King, then I can elaborate more if you’d like clarification. They seem like a useful role. Hell, the game is seemingly centered around them with the big announcement at the beginning of the game and there being a whole re-election process for the role. There are also 3 sub-classes of the King that seem helpful. I remember one was investigative, and the other two I don’t remember off the top of my head.

If the King is not as powerful as I make it sound, sorry. I don’t have experience with this set-up. I read maybe like 1/5 of the rules and roles the night before the game started, and I apparently only processed a small margin of that. :joy:

I will read the rules when I get home and readdress this because I am reading it and don’t understand now. Feel free to nudge me with a ping if I forget. I figure this is a better solution than asking people to keep reiterating the rules to me.:sweat_smile:

Yep. That’s pretty much it.
I double checked to be sure. I was wrong.

Kings in this game have three Archetypes (i.e. Inquisitive, Warmonger, Paranoid), that’s decided by the host at the start of the game.

If the King is evil, then they can only join scumchat if they are exactly an Inquisitive Archtype.

It’s at 2024-09-11T20:30:00Z.

I am curious: how do you interpret the idea of someone calling a role in social deduction “valuable”? What is making it seem suspicious to you? I’m not trying to invalidate your read, but I want to see where you’re coming from, so I can try and clarify things from my POV where I can. :+1:

I assume this is what you meant, but I figured I’d clarify it just in case. I have very few thoughts on Daeron the player at the current moment. The role itself is what is useful. Not that I think Daeron is useless, but my statement was based on the role not the user. Hopefully, that makes sense. :sweat_smile:

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Ah okay. Don’t worry about it. Life happens. :heart:
When I get home, I can try to give you a list of things to consider looking at and/or analyzing if you’d like.

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I gave you a general idea early, but I can give you like embedded quotes if it helps with finding the topics. :+1:t2: