Last Stand of the Virtuous 5.5 - GAME OVER, UNSEEN AND ANGEL WIN

Is this what we’re implying, you think I’m evil because I didn’t know any better? What, did you want me to come up with my own reason to make someone get voted out D1 instead of just going along with what everyone else was doing when I made it pretty clear I could care less either way

You have no defense and as such you’re deflecting

No that’s how it looks to me it’s pretty much the only angle I can see you pushing this from because otherwise I don’t see how this makes any sense. You’re literally voting me because I changed my vote.

Yes. That’s what town does. Town analyses the game and makes their own independent thoughts to try and win. That’s exactly what I expect every member of the Town to be doing

What defense am I supposed to have when your push is “you voted someone that ended up being town” the crime is that I was wrong lol

Strange how you have no opinion on anyone else who decided to vote pandora for their own reasons then

Quote me where I stated my push is “you voted someone that ended up being town”
My grevience with you lies upon the fact you cannot justify your vote on Pandora

Is it possible you know what my role is? Are you inquisitive EK? That’s what’s going on here?

I’ve also stated as a result of EoD MerpyDerpy looks locktown

You are not trying to solve the game. You’re deflecting and completely ignoring what I’m saying.

I would think it obvious my justification is that I believe they had a chance of being evil, like everyone elses justification should be if they were asked. They’ll say it in their own ways maybe even give you some “proof” (which is obviously false since pandora was town) but it’s the same thing.

I have absolutely no idea what you expect. If you asked an evil this question did you expect them to just confess to you and say they voted pandora to kill a townie because they’re evil and want to win

Please continue to panic, Jarek.

lol my claim is hard mechanically proven the moment I claim your push dies

Oh, we’re now at the “My claim will destroy your push” stage? That’s at least stage 4. Please do continue to collapse under the pressure of a singular town player.

I could care less I just think you’re evil as fuck and I think you already have a general idea of what my role is

You completely ignored my world that potentially painted carbonated as evil with achro and you

Mate u dont get to classify how u look
You’re trying to say “hey I look like im gaining confidence here” which you absolutely dont get to do

You appear to me like you’re being desperate in pushing, like you do to others that voted u with me

Like from my pov u dont get to claim “it’s quite obvious im unseen therefore anything i do is not scummy” like wtf

That’s why that post was confusing to me, that’s not a slip but it’s still stupid

What? LOL. What am I supposed to say in reply to a complete tinfoil that I know to be false? I’m not entertaining your delusions.

If you want my advice and you’re legitimately town daeron I’d get off this train because if you force me to claim I’m death tunelling you until you’re dead and taking your crown

Whoa it’s current king and past king fighting

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That’d be the only point of safety I’d have if you actually made me claim my role this early