Last Stand of the Virtuous 5.5 - GAME OVER, UNSEEN AND ANGEL WIN

You can try

In saying you look towny for saying it even though u were wrong

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I would succeed given the fact that I would be confirmed town

I just think it’s more fun to be ambiguous and be converted than it is to be a king but if you want this then I can play ball

You still haven’t given a reason as to why you voted Pandora
All you’ve done is admit you weren’t actually trying to solve the game and were instead following thread, which would absolutely be in scum’s agenda and not in town’s

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You’re not getting an answer from me if there was ever a chance you were going to get one whatever this was just killed any chance of me wanting to give you a straight answer

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I want to play the game and move past this now so I’ll just be writing you off as an evil king who more than likely copped me last night or otherwise knows I’m a townie.

You’re not going to give me an answer as to why you swinged the wagons and voted the execution at EoD? LOL. Okay you can die then.

Good luck with that

As much as I want to be unbiased in this jarek v daeron for some reason my bar for daeron is slow low with their pfp that any coherent argument seems uber towny


Think “i didnt care either way” is the answer youre looking for @Daeron

I’m never a fan of people trying to threaten me with their “authority” in these games it’s so unpleasant. Never ends well for them or for me wouldn’t reccomend it personally

Best thing you can do is talk to me like you actually think for a second I could be a townie because then I’ll treat you more amicably, you treat me like dirt because you think you’re the best player in the world and I’m the dumbest evil that you’ve just found and I won’t play along

thats true actually, thats why i said he has towny side unless some people

i dont say he is %100 townie but we should be thinking in both ways and between those ways i find townie one closer

I need someone to sell me on why carbonated is town so I can rethink things

It’s just how everyone should approach this game, if you start locking the mindset in that someone can only ever be evil it gets dangerous. Admittedly I’ve done that with Daeron so I need to get off that ride.

i really cant see how refusing to actually answering questions helps you and us this is the second time this is happening, and to me it seems that you got nothing to actually reply to so you are acting hostile to them, and when you actualyl have the answer and you dont tell them its just worse

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What exactly am I supposed to say. I voted carbonated because I wanted carbonated to die at least more than pandora. I didn’t get what I wanted so I voted the other person to avoid any kind of tie or the like because I entertain the possibility I can be wrong.

I’ve repeated this answer and been told it’s not good enough so I can’t keep repeating myself

If you wanted some deep analysis on why I voted a speciifc player on a specific day that’s now how this works and certainly not on the first day on players I paid no attention to because I was looking elsewhere I’m not omnipotent and I’m playing this game in my free time if you want me to have a deep reason to vote someone you’re talking to the wrong player

i was explaining it is in my best interests not to do anything scummy, which I am sure that anyone would understand

I’m not saying i look like i am i’m saying i felt more confident in the vote. There exists a fine distinction.

You earlier called this a slip or at least implied it hence i’m responding to it.