Last Stand of the Virtuous 5.5 - GAME OVER, UNSEEN AND ANGEL WIN

he looks bad if carbonated flips w

Yeah, how though?

i will admit my vote cant really be pressure cause i am about to pass out and not wake up till after eod

You could say you got burned out


very hedgy and noncommital on carbonated but also

Kiiruma sort of just, waited, until I had been done pressuring jarek to add anything
and it wasnā€™t anything productive

Kiiruma has dropped a readslist and then sort of done nothing else to follow up on their beancat read

Kiiruma also looks bad in terms of post volume & the fact scum are clearly not leading thread

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If Kiiruma is group scum and the factional attack is blocked, then he would have been outed by now

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couldā€™ve been blocked by healing or death immunity

Yeah Iā€™m seeing that as well. Iā€™m trying my best to push us along, but there just isnā€™t a lot happening. Iā€™m going to try nudging people we havenā€™t heard from today/need to hear more from, and if that doesnā€™t work out, Iā€™m voting Carbonated.

I still suspect them a lot, and todayā€™s interactions from them havenā€™t helped their case. Plus, I mentioned this before, but if Carbonated flips wolf, I think Jarek is also likely a wolf due to the unexplained vote switch from the Pandora vote. We get information regardless of what they flip here imo.

Iā€™m not a confident shotcaller, but I think itā€™s better we discuss action than to twiddle our thumbs until EOD and vote blindly. I also am kinda busy around EOD today, so Iā€™d rather solidify a plan than scramble to figure out whatā€™s happening.

What are everyoneā€™s thoughts on this? Iā€™d appreciate support. :sweat_smile:

Yeah that happened the last game I played forums with them, and they were scum. It was a Danganronpa invitational.

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They would have to be a random convert, mech suggests Jarek is a bad hang

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I kinda miss the games when they dont start with mirrored random role and allow group scum to convert N1

i can confirm as the scum partner XD


Okay Kiiruma isnā€™t a bad hang at all then

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idk i am usually not wrong on vibe reads on kiiruma. give me a sec iā€™ll read him before i go to bed

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Its not bad to have slow day 2 in general?


Why would he need to be a convert? I explained it to Jarek the other day, but there at evil equivalents of his claim that can very easily mock the role.

Not lot happening