Last Stand of the Virtuous 5.5 - GAME OVER, UNSEEN AND ANGEL WIN

carbon has been given a vote by daeron, hazard and bean

sirderspalot has 4 votes as of now

SirDerpsAlot (3): Zone_Q11, Frostwolf103, Chomps, Jarek
carbonated (2): Daeron, beancat, Hazardwaste
beancat (1): carbonated
Unvote (1): jail

Not Voting (8): Canping, Sayno, SirDerpsAlot, Kelsier, Achromatic, MerpyDerpy, Kiiruma,

^edit: this is false i did it manually :((((

Because the current non-town alive are either (and yes I am assuming a 2nd neutral exists as I am GK)

Visionary, Heroine, random BD convert, Random Neutral & Random Neutral
Arbiter, random HoB convert, random HoB convert, random neutral, random neutral

Jarek handing out a card to frostwolf confirms theyā€™re a Sibyl or equivelant, meaning they canā€™t be a random neutral, arbiter, visionary or heroine

Or they can be - but theyā€™d have to be claiming place of one of their scum teammates, which I doubt

this is correct right?

are you doing manual VCs???


SirDerpsAlot (3): Zone_Q11, Frostwolf103, Chomps
carbonated (3): beancat, Daeron, Hazardwaste
beancat (1): carbonated
Kelsier (1): Jarek

Not Voting (8): Canping, Sayno, SirDerpsAlot, Kelsier, Achromatic, MerpyDerpy, Kiiruma, jail

is correct

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tell me tell meeee

LMFAOOO well i guess i figured how you guys got the correct vc and posted it now

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Normally, Iā€™d say the vote count can be seen next to the post if you click on the hammer, but I honestly didnā€™t realize there was as many votes out as there are. Thank you for bringing it to my attention. :joy:

Okay but whats the point you are going to bring up?

i was going to vote carbon as well i needed to count votes

Introduction 10/10 evil /j (it worked in MASH surely it works here)

i was confused on this answer. i dont think its AI but the question honestly felt innocent enough. i dont see how it harms town at all to guess what we are versing. it harms us if we stick with it

the insta vote with no hedge feels town. this is the thing thats getting me daeron. this feels like town kiiruma

this also seems town coded kiiruma

ok this feels forced.

the links to both these posts are connected to canping and for both these posts he ended up giving canping a different read even when they used the same piece of info for both pieces

I am starting to bleed

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You just got bled? lol.

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Uh yeah, I am looking up the rolecard list what can possibly causing this

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hmmmā€¦ the way this post is written feels like it should be scum lean. he comments on carbon saying nothing of use. the only positive he mentioned was explanation in later posts which he never pointed outā€¦ idk i feel like this shouldnt be a true null
and he kinda has been non existent todayā€¦ fuck idk anymore. theres some real town core messages day 1 from kiiruma but also some really weird occurences.


they bled you?


Heroine & Arbiter both have it at base

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Yeah, either active player did it or itā€™s on the timetable.

Either way I am bleeding right now, this moment. Not way sooner.

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