Last Stand of the Virtuous 5.5 - GAME OVER, UNSEEN AND ANGEL WIN

This is what I’m speculating. I suspect they could just be claiming the town equivalent of their actual role (one of the evil roles). Given how close the role description is across those roles, they probably would have no problem in claiming it—-especially since one of the evil equivalents outright tells you whether you’ll be CC’d or not and the other omits the town role from play entirely.

If you are against the theory, I’ll keep it in my back pocket until we get more evidence to support/debunk it, but it just feels really strange. The evidence we have here also isn’t wholly social—-we have mech information (votes) that he switched his votes and didn’t give a solid explanation as to why. That’s why I’m having a hard time letting it go.

However, I don’t want to tunnel-vision. That’s why I’m asking you guys for your thoughts. I’d rather us make a decision as a group. :hugs:

no town can bleed besides templar. who bleeds themselves

This happens after I used my day ability on Kiiruma

So, a poacher / hunter is involved

Oh shit. Lmao. Sorry I didn’t catch this message. I only saw it through the replies. :joy:

Bleed is like a poison-equivalent, right?

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poacher does not bleed

Read on hunter’s card

basically. they die tomorrow unless healed

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In other words, yes

oh fair it doesn specify hunter bounty… i feel like thats an oversight

At any case, I think Kiiruma is a hunter.

ok i need to go to bed. pressure kiiruma for me when he wakes up. peace all


VOTE: Kiiruma

You are caught red handed blue dragon, mate!

Or the hosts just got back and processed a bleed that was sent ages ago.
Regardless, I don’t think we’re allowed to discuss it due to angleshooting reasons. And I also think it’s a very misleading thing to consider anyway

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Maybe, the impeccable timing may say otherwise.

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@Frostwolf103 why are you convinced there’s a Poacher/Hunter rather than just Arbiter or Heroine bleeding?

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Because I am an impulsive player who wants to use any killing abilities as soon as possible

So you are saying that you considered pandora and carbobated’s wagons both as top wagons when both had 5 votes at D1?

That’s my point: I consider “top wagon” to be only one wagon. Frost’s the one who says otherwise.

I just mentioned that I used the day ability on him and then the bleeding starts.

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It is really confusing though because Kiiruma was like one of my few townreads early on but then just disappeared off the face of the earth. Why would he ever do that if he was town?

I’m going to check something in the roles that could possibly explain this, but if not, yeah I’ve got no clue.

How is that relevant? :thinking:

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