Last Stand of the Virtuous V: Venerated - Day 3 (10/17) - UNSEEN AND VISCOUNT WIN

We can be friends neut pal

I mean Iā€™m neuts in, I wish I was a neut this game :upside_down_face:

Pretty much, I am wondering if the king ability is free exe

I want all the facts together before making any decisions

I do say, Canping might be neutral and that may be bad thing for Kiiruma.

Iā€™ll also say town last game of this kind had a great start and fumbled it. Then again, last game had a neutral killer who they had to deal with and who blew up half the town so

Eh if Canpingā€™s neut, then theyā€™re exactly the Headhunter.
And then if thatā€™s the case itā€™s only bad for me if Iā€™m their target :D

That dirty consort


No I am saying you might be the real Visionary

weā€™re shockingly close to Just A Lock at this point

Just remember that just because you think youā€™re winning doesnā€™t mean you are. Play like youā€™re neck and neck with the enemy the entire time and be pleasantly suprised when youā€™re told youā€™ve won.

Donā€™t start doing silly things unless itā€™s neccessary. Open claiming fully would be nice, but weā€™re assuming weā€™ve got the visionary and weā€™re about to kill them. What if we havenā€™t? Youā€™ve just made the entire game claim. Youā€™ve just given the evils perfect convert targets for whatever they need and perfect kills to boot.

The templar is here to deny the convert targets.

Basically - until I see 2 dead visionaries Iā€™m not assuming anything is in the bag. And once theyā€™re both dead, Iā€™m still not going to under-estimate the power that a deepwolf convert could have

Seeing is believing and Iā€™m not seeing

Oh, interesting.
I guess I can see the argument.
But nah, all I can do is share my result :man_shrugging:

you have spent the last 3 hours conspiracy theoristing

itā€™s hard to want to take you seriously

thatā€™s rude but Iā€™m a paranoid fuck I am actively considering other options at all times


Iā€™ve already done my ability for the day. Eva dies unless everyone piles on a speciifc player. Iā€™m just waiting to be told if Iā€™m right or wrong. But itā€™s undeniably a mistake to assume Iā€™m right until Iā€™m proven right.

And when I am proven right, or wrong, we can go from there. Massclaiming right now would be a huge mistake that would make the game 10x harder for us if eve isnā€™t the converter evil