Legacy Forum of Lies 2 - The Psychopathic King, Possessor, and Alchemist win

last thing before i need to go
Wall of ice
Alter self

i cant do web. which is why i kept saying i dont think we should leave it up to probability

@Osaa @Henryk @Marcoh @Olivia Leave Karin to me, I think Samarie is townie enough and we shouldn’t focus on counterclaim thunderdome

On Daan please

If you live somehow I’d wish for prince to get their executions back


I do not possibly know how that could be disastrous. Maybe.

You gotta pass difficult check of 29

I don’t know if they will live or not, But a wish like that would be confirmable.

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Last time there were wishes done, no kill abilities

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I have better idea

Reveal the player’s faction or class to me

What stops you from wishing someone back to life?

Samarie (4): Osaa, Henryk, Karin, Olivia
Daan (2): August, Tanaka
Karin (1): Marcoh

Not Voting (7): Daan, Marina, Samarie, Caligura, Pav, BlackKalev, Kaiser

Me not reading a single @Daan post (reminds me of my relationship with my dad)

@Osaa using Leaf Storm on the wolves and missing the 90% chance to hit

@Olivia when she sees her own shadow (she’s anxious)

@Karin being forced to play on vaporwave forum theme

@Marcoh having no idea what’s happening

@Marina heavily participating in the game

@Samarie being an innocent wolf girl

@Tanaka catching bug pokemon in Viridian Forest

@Henryk spamming the thread thinking that people remember any of his posts

@August having a wonderful moustache

@Pav being the last wolf that makes it to f3 before dying

@BlackKalev licking us all

@Kaiser at every opportunity


But why?

i dont know what to think about this

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While I appreciate the enthusiasm for applying data analysis and tree-based models to social deduction games, I must respectfully disagree with the notion that these games can be expressed fairly easily as a tree of variations using decision markers and ranges. Social deduction games involve human psychology, which is inherently complex and not always amenable to precise modeling.

Social deduction games are influenced by players’ individual personalities, motivations, and strategies, which may not be fully captured by data. Free will and the intrinsic motivations of players, which stem from factors outside of the game, introduce a level of unpredictability that data-driven models struggle to account for. This is a fundamental limitation of attempting to model human behavior in such games.
Furthermore, while data can provide insights into what objectively correct decisions should be made, it often falls short in explaining the variance between suggested decisions and what actually happens. This discrepancy arises from the unpredictability of human interactions, bluffs, and emotional responses that cannot be easily quantified. It’s essential to remember that data, no matter how extensive, often requires interpretation and critical thinking. Overreliance on data can sometimes lead to the illusion of objectivity, as it may not account for the nuances of human interactions, making it necessary for players to make sense of the information critically.
While data can reveal trends and common player behaviors, it may not fully predict individual player actions or reactions. Human psychology is diverse, and players may employ unique strategies or exhibit behaviors that defy conventional patterns.

While data analysis can provide valuable insights and trends in social deduction games, it should be viewed as a tool to aid understanding rather than as a definitive model of human behavior in such games. The complexities of human psychology, free will, and intrinsic motivations make these games inherently dynamic and challenging to fully capture using data alone.


(That was chatGPT result of “say no, but make it scientific”)


What even is real

My god


Is full role reveal just a fancy term for massclaim