Legacy Forum of Lies 2 - The Psychopathic King, Possessor, and Alchemist win

I thought you meant them flipping

Jesse what the fuck are you talking about

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I fell like bit too much information is revealed about roles. Especially considering that lynch was pretty much already decided and scum might have heal bypassing roles.


If you figured that out, good for you

Everyone figured it out. It wasn’t a soft.


Good for you then, onto Daan?

Are we killing Karin now I feel like I missed everything

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There were complications, but I handle that part yes


You know me, actually.

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@Henryk With the current actions that is shown, I am the one who killed Abella but it’s not done by evils as there’s a missing kill.

That make Tanaka and Osaa 100% trustworthy in this hypothetical scenario.



I also think Macroh can’t be evil by voting off Karin, pre-flipping red makes Macroh town at least.

Who am i preflipping?

Them prefliping Karin as red

Im not preflipping i dont preflip, i just dont see a need to have my vote there at this point in time

They are prefliping Karin as red and clear you base on it.

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Why am I still alive anyway despite my attempted shift in to totalitarianism

'kay let’s take this to the streets in both senses

do i take this shit way too seriously and have i devoted far too much of my time and effort to it? absolutely but don’t hate the player hate the game, the things people do matter, you know? ignoring them because they don’t matter to you is fine but that is not equivalent to them not mattering unless you believe your own perspective is the only one that exists in the universe

this game has base rules that are (in theory) applied to all of us equally which allows me to set conditions that make other people ignoring me impossible in good faith while acting in the interests the rules impose on those people - this isn’t up for debate unless you’re willing to admit the game is unfair and therefore doesn’t have any competitive value despite being a purely competitive game

the people who play these games seem bafflingly unguarded and there’s a lot of good raw data out there for the taking which makes them great for me to investigate, i’ve gotten a lot of insight in to both practical belief revision and how people model their inductive reasoning process

what is evident to me is that there’s a >50% chance any single social deduction player doesn’t really care about the rules past trying to avoid public punishment and isn’t interested in trying to win, this is something i’ve intuitively felt for ages and i used to think the problem was just that people sucked but i let myself fall down the rabbit hole and i now recognise that my understanding was naive

the stakes are all wrong. nobody here has any incentive to do anything other than what they want because the consequences barely matter either way and the game already is encouraging them to lie, so they can simply lie about their own motivations for playing at all. made more complicated by the underlying psychology of knowingly existing meaning people don’t understand their own motivations and do things without realising why they’re doing it all the time, so assigning blame is rarely productive and diagnosing/addressing the problem is often counterproductive because it isn’t mutually understood

meanwhile what’s the game? talk to others and figure out what to do with a few arbitrary steps added in, oops in an attempt to foster competition we’ve just made a sequel to conversations where everything’s made up and the points don’t matter

so yeah this is just a fancier RP unless the group itself shares motivations outside of the game, otherwise people act exactly like you’d expect people to act when there’s nothing tangible in it for them. as long as that represents a significant enough portion of the group the entire group is beheld to that ideal because there’s no control in place that prevents outgoing selfishness from being the generally correct response to incoming selfishness, and such a control is necessary for people to want to work together rationally and reasonably

Let’s ignore the cult dilemma and kill an Unseen today. “Why?” You may ask. That’s a good question! Thank you for asking.

I dunno I think it’d be funny