Legacy Forum of Lies 2 - The Psychopathic King, Possessor, and Alchemist win

Kaiser I believed I asked you of something earlier

boy do I have news for you

Mafia is usually a party game for a reason

Sir we a playing a fun game if mafia, idk what you are playing

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U picked the wrong setup if u were looking for a basic game of mafia, not that i can say i knew any better before joining lol

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Uve spent like 5 posts saying absolutely nothing, why are u still alive? Do u expect to fie in the middle of the day phase? If u were already pushing kaiser prior to today, maybe u are wrong? Idk what to tell you, id take u just shouting that kaizer is an obvious wolf then w/e this is, its fancy math that days absolutely nothing, and when i ask u to clarify u just tell me to sheep you or vote you

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Qhy is kaiser a wolf? Normally im fine with this kind of push because i push my wolves almost the same way but with less of me trying to string the thread around cause k simply dont care too much especially given im prone to be wrong on my wolf reads, i rwad the iso, and im not psrticularly sure qhat on an analytical level makes them a wolf. U say they are playing gamss with their mechanical info and i just dont see it

The joke is im a fool. like. the adjective. not the role.


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Who is you in that post?

ā€œU say that they areā€, but you are talking about Kaiser and answering to Kaiser?

wdym ā€œLeave Karin to meā€ :sob:

They delevier it with a tone of sadness in a sense?Its more of the emotion behind it. They seem genuinly frustrated at this and annoyed. I dont think thats enough to vote them though- mostly because I was wrong in another agme that just ended for similar reasons on a wolfy boy.

Why sobbing
I dont think scum admits to this but why sobbing

I am extremely not caught up on thread

me neither! twinsies

is this the second archer

I overestimated thread ability to understand claims.

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I think im reading kaisers posts but im not really understanding them

Kaiser messiah arc?

So mean

Iā€™d like to state the reasoning for wanting Samarie dead

As a fellow CW, the first thing I did was bring up a list of Alter Self passives to see what would bring the funniest game and I am working towards making that combination.

Samarie however, clearly doesnā€™t realize the potential of the role. This makes me believe they didnā€™t actually roll CW, as a real CW / Sage / Cabalist would be excited and attempt to explore the limits of their role.

That being said, they are either the MM / CL (idk if MM has GF immunity)