Legacy Forum of Lies 2 - The Psychopathic King, Possessor, and Alchemist win

Probalby a dumb tell

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This is the funniest scum case ive ever seen and honestly i believe it

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I mean u, idk why i thought u were kasier

I juat dont believe that joke of a case is all u can do given u are both claiming the same role

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But 2 players can be the same role?

Can they? I have no idea how this works?

Yeah unless the role has a :shield: in the name (Priest, Paladin)

God, then mass claiming would not help us

Regardless my point still stands at least in the sense i dont believe thats all they can come up with the justify their vote on Sam


real and accurate not a joke

@August if youā€™re threatening to shoot me

  1. All CWs and their converts have death immunity
  2. Mastermind and NKs also have death immunity
  3. Most neuts also have death immunity
  4. Moonchild also has death immunity

unless you think Iā€™m random cult fake claiming / Assassin shooting me is dumb

Im pretty sure i figured out what August is

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Aside from that

I think with princess flirt Samarie must be exactly CW or MM/CL

Mastermind wouldā€™ve just died to the shot from Osaa

Cult wouldā€™ve had to miss their n1 convert if samarie would survive as CL


In conclusion i think mech points towards Samarie being a villager

I guess the point is moot if Osaa is a wolf but also Osaa is most definitely not a wolf so


Thereā€™s people who saw through my soft and thereā€™s people who doesnā€™t.

If that counts as a soft sure

Osaa is being victim of factional attack who got temporarily saved by chronomancer