Legacy Forum of Lies 2 - The Psychopathic King, Possessor, and Alchemist win


I have plenty time to wait since I am going to bed anyway

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But in the meantime, Karin.

Whatā€™s the follow-up in scenario that Samarie flips red, then what?

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i have confirmed we can both be in the game but go off.

MM doesnt have night immunity. i would have to be an extremely unlucky CL or Nk if evil

wasnt random. i explained before ossa made it very apparent i would have been killed in the night

cause i picked the first one that seemed funny. i know it was stupid leave me alone.

I am not Karin, but supposing there can be two Court Wizards we judge Karin based on social information. Why do you think Samarie is clear? Is it just the claim?

Now, like I said earlier, Samarie has to be Cult Leader if evil. If you are just going on the claim then you need to formulate a social read. Mechanics can only go so far.

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people dont understand no one in the unseen is immune this night.

My immunity would specifically make me one of two things both improbable.

Now, letā€™s talk about weird people on my wagon. This is Pav and Pav apparently does not remember a single post I made today and used that as motivation to vote me. The issue is this is vague and I donā€™t remember a thing Pav posted today either. Therefore I need you to expand your read on me because this is not the first time Pav has made a weak read.

I called Pav out on this and got them to expand their reasoning.

How does that fit in this Nashrah exactly?

uh I need to make a claimslist first :wowee:

@August did it happen

No clue, I gotta ask the host if they are up or not

Thereā€™s only one way to find out by tonight.

In nutshell. Daan, Olivia, Macroh and Pav hasnt claimed.

It does not, but based on the information it lines up. Ossa claims to have shot Samarie, but Samarie is still alive. Therefore it tracks that if Samarie is group scum they have to be exactly the Cult Leader with no converts because that is the only evil with death immunity.

Fear not, we grilled Samarie on this hard earlier.

Something I read about that one before yes.

We will speak more later on

That sounds like a plan.

Yes we are executing you. Everything CW can do both its converted roles can also do and youā€™re outed scum at this point.

CL, stoneskin as either of CWā€™s converted roles or NK. Itā€™s only been statdd a dozen times by now.

RANGER! NOT ARCHER! Please get the name of my role right. It isnā€™t hard.

Wrong. You could be the converted classes too.

Samarie is evil. Evils donā€™t want her dead. Thereā€™s no way to waive the evidence for her to be evil away.

Samarie is literally outed scum at this point August. If we donā€™t execute them today, we deserve to lose.

No. Samarie.

Going to give up on catching up for now and just post what I have so far. Iā€™ll be discussing my shot tonight with Tanaka in our neighborhood that the king will be creating for us tonight. The main reason Iā€™m posting this now is supper just finished cooking for me. Now to eat.

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