Legacy Forum of Lies 2 - The Psychopathic King, Possessor, and Alchemist win

shit u right

The thread is lots of spaghetti code dont you think?

What does that mean

will you delete the thread for us


Because thereā€™s contradiction in the class thread between

But whatever, donā€™t elect the prince regardless.

pretty sure Prince overrides the first one

the rule tends to be ā€œabilities override game rulesā€

/vote no execute

While the election is on-going, letā€™s talk about finding evil in posts.

What are you doing

VOTE: No Execute

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Donā€™t think itā€™s super unreasonable to assume the Prince card making a specific statement about their own election would override general elected King abilities

Then again I also completely forgot first elected King has Order Execute which means I need to read better

Speaking of Order Execute though, a scum having it probably isnā€™t as bad as it sounds, because we can justā€¦ leash it? And if they go against our orders we execute or poison the king?

The Poison, because the king canā€™t defend against that.


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Okay, I am trusting you on that.

still better to give it to BD tho because people will probably make like.
a poe
and then the evil king will just shoot a town in the poe

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Yeah no I agree there

You Have A Better Idea?

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VOTE: Nashrah


Thatā€™s not what I am asking.

WHAT are you doing, do you have any reason to sleep