LFOL Cringe Compilation

I am at full power again

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We are not doing whispers
I like all the current changes
I like all the current classes minus paladin

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rewording shit

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Sheriff and Paladin should be mutually exclusive where Sheriff does more copping and Paladin does more conversion protection

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this is entirely because Sheriff is hilariously overpowered as a one of and since we are not randing I now disagree with the above take

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Not night 1
Please god not night 1

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n1 and n2 only

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But yeah it’d be pretty pog as a n3+ ability

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im p sure it was n3+ in ToL

or maybe it was just not N1 and nobody ever used it n2 because cult converted n1

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gigachad paladin winning by button clicking I really am just a dumbass to not see the light

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more accuracy leggo

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I want to load this into a feedback thread rather than putting it in the ability because

Test Faith (Night) - Determine whether or not the targeted player believes in God. Infinite Uses

is just a power move

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due to the way I worded mastermind it’s perfectly fine for it to kill since it’ll pass due to not being execution

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so it’ll just be a ridiculously strong fuck you button

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yeah I’m satisfied with Paladin

It is a shit investigative it’s just really good at murdering people

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rename paladin to irl cop

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Vigilante convert is already Cop

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arbalist, arbelist, irl cop, and cop all walk into a bar

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