Maybot's Combinatorics Mafia - GAME OVER, MAFIA WIN

wasn’t being voted by other people*

One of them is a wolf and the wolf in them spews Ash town, more certain on this on my more certain world of Fusion being wolf

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How does fusion spew ash town?

The anon, fusion & ash vote?

2 good 1 bad

2 good 1 bad, Ash was a major wagon and this would push a 1/3 instead of a 2/3

1 good 2 bad while Pandora had 2 votes, thus only 1 good and 1 bad matters here

I feel like you’re vastly exaggerating the extent to which ash is “spewed town” in order to push agenda.

VOTE: Chomps

Maybe we do go for a 3/3 today. Not sure who the third would be yet. Probably a lowposter?

VOTE: Chomps

If we go another towny person here it’s almost certainly a 0/3

In this set of votes fusion only had 1 vote, the vote on herself and she didn’t get more. Why does that logic apply to pandora who definitely had traction for a wagon (and later got more votes) and not fusion?

Also this is not even feasable, you don’t go from a 1/3 to a 3/3

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Watch me.

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Beacuse Fusion was being townread by people and her wagon would gain more traction

That’s not true. The vote was made 60 posts into the day. Nobody had even given any reads yet.

I could swear that vote was made later

I don’t know, i still think Fusion and Pandora are wolves here, but I’m horrible at putting it in words

Okay, the discourse between Badeline and Chomps here is confusing. The latter is rectifying a scumread by asserting that it seems unlikely for Fusion or Anonygoose to pursue a 2/3 so prolifically during different stages of the day, since Ash was a top wagon during most of it.

It’s clear Badeline suspects Ash, but she’s not really engaging with the logic so much as trying to mitigate it.

Badeline’s response to Chomp’s hypothetical considers their existing reads rather than the question’s prevalent nature; the most generous option here is that she misunderstood the prompt. (#641) makes it look like Badeline had already made up her mind to disagree ahead of time, though, since she was already criticising it from the onset.


The 1/3 snipe generally sucks because now we sorta have to play out the full game if we don’t want to continue dipping into previously selected pools.

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I’m confused both by what you mean with this post and by what your goal is.

This sentence in particular doesn’t make any sense to me.

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RedPandas (1): RedPandas
spookycat27 (1): RedPandas
Anonygoose (1): RedPandas
Ash (2): Badeline, Chomps
Chomps (2): Badeline, Chomps

Not Voting (9): Quail, LittleLee, Ash, Anonygoose, Prisma101, Magnus, spookycat27, pandora, FusionMoon314

I’ll reword it, then.
Chomps was considering hypothetical w!Fusion and w!Anonygoose scenarios and drew the conclusion that Ash was spewed villager either way.

You complained that since Chomps scumread Fusion, they shouldn’t believe in w!Anonygoose or that Ash could be spewed town as a result. This rebuttal evades the point of Chomps’ spectral analysis and comes across as though you just don’t want Ash to be townread under any circumstances.

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