Maybot's Combinatorics Mafia - GAME OVER, MAFIA WIN

(My mom and brother’s birthdays are happening the next couple of days, so I will not be nearly as active as I’d like to be during D2.)


I’m surprised we got a 1/3, but I townread Goose and Chomps, so Fusion’s probably just mafia here.
I’m still of the opinion that Badeline is scummy, I still want a lot more from Prisma and Quail, and I still think we should go for a 2/3 or 3/3 rather than going for 0/3s.

If we get a 2/3 today, we clear a minimum of six people minus masons. It’s a wistful dream, of course.


If you were going for a 0/3 yesterday who would you have voted for?

Then lets include Chomps in the vote today to see for confirmation

Hey Prisma. What’s up? Were you busy yesterday, or did you just not really know who to vote for?

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Didn’t know who to vote for and partially busy

The rest of it is as said before: I’ve been a bit slow this game

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Agreed! That is why I am voting them.


I think the reasoning to incriminate Pandora might be oversold. The only tangible reasoning against 85 thus far is the awkwardness of her murder joke, with the only player to make any semblance of an attempt to raise Pandora’s stock thus far being Ash. To me, this sorta implies Pandora has been kept in the POE as a wrongly suspected villager, one who lacks the incentive to clarify its own alignment through extensive debating.

I socially don’t believe Ash is evil, even without considering Fusion’s voting record would spew both Ash and Pandora as town if she was villainous.

If Chomps is evil, Pandora has just been thrown under the bus this entire game by the evil team, which would be codified by the continued lack of defence and Chomps placing Pandora at the end of their readlist. This world also likely necessitates w!Badeline to justify Pandora’s stubborn D1 votes (#18), since Spooky former was inordinately unlikely to be jailed past a certain point and the latter has been generally forcing perceived agenda arguments for much of this game…

I think Chomps / Ash / Pandora is either 0/3 or 3/3, in the scenario that our reads are generally inverted from the truth. I don’t think Fusion / Pandora / Badeline works as a team.

All things considered, I think Badeline’s alignment is the most important one to figure out currently.


Spookycat voting two diametrically opposed players upon seeing the votecount at the time and juxtaposing them both at the bottom of their later readlist is an awkward manoeuvre and I haven’t really seen anyone call this out. (#479)

Spooky could be evil hanging onto the wings.

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Could you politely explain your present reasoning for townreading Spooky? Surely it’s not for the Hypixel Special label.

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I’m assuming they were voting for who they thought was scummy.
Why do you think those two slots are unpaired?

I feel basically no agenda when I read them. They’re also less active than I’d expect them to be if they randed wolf (though afaik they were in another game at the same time as this game’s D1, so this could change).
Also I can’t yet convince myself to trust any other slot enough to vote them

I’m surprised nobody asked about this read until now, tbh. Towny from you


They appear to genuinely believe their reads and don’t seem paired with anyone in particular


Ash and Badeline sorta locked themselves into a position where they have no choice but to continue pushing one another without losing face. The latter initially townread Ash until shifting focus when his reads weren’t well explained, then committed to firmly challenging the D1 leading wagon as if it was an obstacle (past the original line of questioning, Badeline tackled the game state surrounding Ash rather than the specific player, sorta thing).

In contrast, Ash has been shading Badeline for the better part of this game, in particular calling her highly strung and expressly verbalising intent to continue tunnelling.

This doesn’t innately require either to be evil, but I don’t think two wolves form that commitment without cause. It locks in your options and makes you both look independently suspicious, which is what happened here.


I can see where this might be coming from. Spooky isn’t trying to supplement baseless suspicions or level random accusations towards anyone, they aren’t trying to elevate anyone unfairly, and their readlist doesn’t follow consensus so closely as to avoid making waves. The only tangible exemption might be Spook’s reason to trust Lee, there’s strong confidence behind that read…
Spook called that out and others picked up on that afterwards, cool.

Alright, gotcha. Thank you, Red.


In that case, I think Badeline / Quail / Prisma contains two in my current preconception of the w!Fusion world.


What are your thoughts on fusion including pandora many times on her own votes?

I think it’s a good signal for Pandora, just referring to the last votes cast by Fusion and nothing else.

It was a shakeup attempt proposed to Goose and I when neither of us were super satisfied with the existing wagons, and if we had listened to Fusion, it makes more sense to imagine v!Pandora getting framed by w!Fusion with a 1 than just her expecting to be ignored.

This logic would also apply to v!Goose.


that does make sense