Maybot's Combinatorics Mafia - GAME OVER, MAFIA WIN

what is this?

I don’t like how you misrepresent my arguments against Ash or why I’m pushing them constantly.

I was talking about #169 and #170 together, as they worked together to solidify the same point.

I acknowledged this in the post.

I don’t understand what your point is or why a lot of the focus is on my opener, which was 1 post, instead of the current reads I have now.

How much of the game have you read?

Why are you voting littlelee?

Are you voting townreads or scumreads?

Currently I’m trying to insure a 0/3 result at EOD. I think myself/redpandas/littlelee is the best chance of doing this. My read on Littlelee is primarily based on their townslip, but I think that’s a good enough read for day 1 that I can then reevaluate later if all 3 of us were to be tested and it isnt all town.

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It doesn’t look like we’re all going to be tested though, and right now I don’t know how I feel about you/chomps/fusion.

Valid makes sense

Of course it does.

I’m aware, but I don’t think it detracts from the point

they posted earlier believing that the jail candidates would be revealed if they were Mason and not knowing beaming was even a thing, iirc

Most, if not all of it. Why?

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townslips arent real change my mind


I don’t understand why there is so much focus on my opener instead of any of the other posts I’ve made.

We have different viewpoints then.

I actually like badelines recent posting tbh

Ash is more likely mafia out of them 2 imo

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Eh, I think they are real but most are easy to fake and not really all that clearing as a result

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Hypixel special, anyone?

What’s the proposition

working on it right now but something like goose/magnus/someone else to be determined

Whats a hypixel special haha