Maybot's Combinatorics Mafia - GAME OVER, MAFIA WIN

Co-counsel. Anonygoose, sit down.
Our client FusionMoon is innocent, call your first witness.
That’s all you had to say.




this vote is wierd why these 3 fusion?

You from a hunch because I got very similar vibes from Goose, but all the big posts you made earlier seemed like something maf would concoct over the night.

I’ll let the Pandora vote speak for itself.

LittleLee has been flying under the radar and I got vaguely maffy vibes from them so there you go.

hmm i see

what do you think of Badeline’s big post

Seems like a towny enough thought process.

Hello. I actually had the same feeling with chomps when they tried to mark me as mafia. Then I read the reasoning behind the call out and at first I thought that was a good line of reasoning. Then I though about it and it seems to me like that only really makes sense for people who have played the game for a while and know what they are doing. Also there was no reason for me to worry about leaving as there was no real discussion occurring at that time. The truth is I thought it was the polite thing to do when leaving and I wanted to make a dumb joke to redpandas post about things being quiet, hence the boom.


I’m back but only for a short time. I won’t have much time to be in thread over today and the next day so there’s a chance you might not hear much from me today. I’ll try to put in the work later tonight but I can’t guarantee anything. I’m still fine with a wagon of chomps/ash/someone else. Maybe magnus? I don’t know if I actually scumread magnus or if I’m opposed to them because they are pushing on me.

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I forgot to quote the reason for the call out I mentioned earlier.

It’s possible this is just a jumping to conclusion thing. Also being new will make me second guess every read I make. But I do agree with Badeline.

It’s ok to second guess your reads or something, but at the end of the day it’s important to remember that everyone is guessing. There is no secret to finding wolves that’ll work 100% of the time, there is no secret to wolfing that will make you never found and win every game. Everyone plays the way they think is best, which is only a guess at how they think others will play.

Feel confident because we’re all faking the confidence.


dead thread smh

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RedPandas (1): RedPandas
spookycat27 (1): RedPandas
Anonygoose (1): RedPandas
Ash (2): Badeline, Chomps
Chomps (3): Badeline, Chomps, FusionMoon314
Badeline (1): Magnus
Prisma101 (1): Magnus
Quail (1): Magnus
pandora (1): FusionMoon314
LittleLee (1): FusionMoon314

Not Voting (7): Quail, LittleLee, Ash, Anonygoose, Prisma101, spookycat27, pandora

I’m gonna be honest here - my first reaction was to tinfoil goose actually, contrary to what I’m seeing reading up

I got a sense of semi-urgency to control the wagons and I thought that was towny, but considering the wagons goose last suggested were (pandas, themselves, magnus) and near EoD I felt this kind of drift away, despite the wagons that went through (themselves, chomps, fusion) being different from what they were suggesting. It also feels kinda weird who they suggested given their own viewpoint:

it feels a lot like there’s room left to go either way depending on what threadstate will demand after the jail processes

& I also have not read up that much but looking at Goose’s iso i don’t see much hyperposting or t-doming someone to oblivion (though, I know it’s hard to keep wim in a dead thread)

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this is probably the most confbiased thing I could say ever, but i really do feel w/w in here

admittedly skimmed the post for conclusions though, so this might just be me misrepresenting the post as a whole

whoops sorry that’s me

but i’ve already done that, im most inclined to think it’s you right now, though I’m willing to consider that I’m wrong


I’m tinfoiling you and lol, I don’t really think this is a productive option for tinfoilers. I’m not sure the theory behind combinatorics, but I don’t really want to hit another pool where you could be the wolf in both of them, because that seems counter-intuitive. It doesn’t seem like you’ve considered a tinfoil perspective here (feels like this was written with a “im a villager” lens, which I’m calling NAI here) because I think it’s immediately obvious that anyone who thinks you’re a wolf would be suspicious of including you in another pairing that’s not a 3/3 shot (because i think we’re in a world of v!pandas)


oof my pov feels like this but almost backwards here

I could be down for trying to establish a towncore with myself/you being in the vote candidates, but it doesn’t seem like we’ll be able to find a slot that we really agree is town for the third target

best option might be chomps, but I kinda want to avoid the d1 wagons like the plague right now unless theory proves me wrong or we end up trying to shoot 3/3

(and i don’t think voting to jail nobody for the third one is optimal)


can confirm these both as true