Maybot's Combinatorics Mafia - GAME OVER, MAFIA WIN

Most of my likes come from May in the 3k range, you’re not going to dent my statistics.


I don’t self-towncase. ever.

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I can respect the morals. :ghosthug:


trying to figure out what was anti spew and what wasn’t from d3 goose is actually kind of infuriating

i would like pandas to thouroughly case the other two candidates please

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If it is Lee then they honestly earnestly deserve the win and you can quote this back to me in the aftergame

If pandas is town I would like for them to explain why the other two are wolves

VOTE: goose VOTE: badeline VOTE: pandas

i will follow the manons

LittleLee (2): RedPandas, Badeline
RedPandas (2): Magnus, pandora

are they just obviously voting like that???

VOTE: Anonygoose
VOTE: Badeline
VOTE: Redpandas

Heading to work, now. But compiled a short list of instances where RedPandas interacted with or mentioned Anonygoose and or Badeline. Will do the same with Ash after work after finishing their’s.

129 - Votes Anonygoose, Badeline, and pandora, aiming for 2/3. If this followed through, it would have held true.
(Badeline approaches very neutral. Simply questioning the reasoning behind it. As well as the following town reads of Quail, Chomps, Ash, Goose, Magnus, and Fusion

156 - read on Badeline remains. Anonygoose is removed from the list, and is promptly thanked by them.

161 - expresses a dislike for prisma’s opening. Doesn’t state why. (88) Poking at the passive playstyle of Prisma. An easy thing to pin on new/players proned to being paralyzed.
“All of it” is all there is. (167) (When asked by Badeline)

179 - Read on Pandora. Based on statistical results between wolf and town behavior and nothing else. Anonygoose seems to be in agreement for this. Seemingly blindingly. As appearing to not have looked for it in the first place. (241)

262 - Jokes with Anonygoose. First time they do this. Displaying comfort in Anonygoose despite being here for the first time.

417 - Asks Badeline on why Goose is seen as town. Despite preemptively doing the same well before.
Badeline answers with “good vibes” and not much else.

517 - Comments on Anonygoose’s initial suggestion of voting Goose, Magnus, and Ash
States to see Ash as scum for the first time. Could just be the typical change of choices in the early game.
Anonygoose simply agrees with no rebuttal or added take.

520 - Votes for themself, Magnus, and Goose
Acknowledges the possibility of a 2/3 pinning it on Magnus and Goose. Pins just on Magnus if just a 1/3. Clear bias displayed for Goose.
Guesses 1/3 in the pool of Goose, Chomps, and Fusion. Exactly 1/3. No higher.
Goes as far to say Goose and Magnus can’t be paired with Badeline.



why are you phrasing those as if they’re bad looks when they’re pretty clearly not

VOTE: Goose
VOTE: Badeline
VOTE: Pandas
cases look good and this goes with what i was thinkin yesterday
in other words :sheep:

Anonygoose (7): RedPandas, spookycat27, Badeline, Magnus, pandora, Chomps, Kanave
LittleLee (2): RedPandas, Badeline
Ash (1): RedPandas
Badeline (5): spookycat27, Magnus, pandora, Chomps, Kanave
RedPandas (4): Magnus, pandora, Chomps, Kanave

Not Voting (5): Quail, LittleLee, Ash, Anonygoose, FusionMoon314

My WIM is at an all time low honestly, I can’t bring myself to want to put in the effort to case. I’ll just throw out this vote and accept the loss. GG Littlelee, Goose, and whoever your last scum partner is (probably Ash).

VOTE: LittleLee
VOTE: Anonygoose


I am genuinely just not seeing s!badeline after reading their ISO, besides one potential scumslip.
I don’t see what everyone else is seeing, I guess?

feel more comfortable committing to Lee/Ash now.
if Quail doesn’t post at all by tomorrow though I’m switching ash for them out of principal

Quail starts posting immediately.