Maybot's Combinatorics Mafia - GAME OVER, MAFIA WIN

It’s a suboptimal action if players deliberate too long to change their mind on the wagons, resulting in your death through apathy anyway.
I could see it being an intentional double bluff if Quail voted at least four hours in advance when anybody could see it and all hope was otherwise lost, in hopes that others would change their mind, or if they remained online long enough to consider changing their mind if it remained close. But as it was, there was no tension and Quail didn’t remain in the thread to retract their vote if any issues arose. It would contextually be akin to raising a white flag, at their most confident moment.


I don’t think redpandas is scum at all, they’ve been pretty obviously pure and pretty obviously town since d1. Then again with Little managing to fool everyone (wp), it’s not like it matters much. Post game cred is post game cred though.

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I wonder how spec chat is doing, there were a lot of spectators this game.

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Here’s my impression of each one.

Why don’t they vote the mafia? Are they stupid?


I don’t know you so I can’t make a good joke about you sorry.

i wish they would vote me :pleading_face:

hello am back

image of incineroar
410,757,864,530 DEAD TOWNIES

Probably something normal about the gamestate, “damn I can’t believe goose was mafia” or something like that

nya (good)

nya (evil)


I don’t think theres a world where town comes around on me so I’m fairly certain the game is over. GG mafia.

Anonygoose (8): Magnus, pandora, Chomps, Kanave, Badeline, Ash, spookycat27, RedPandas
Badeline (8): Magnus, pandora, Chomps, Kanave, Ash, Quail, spookycat27, RedPandas
RedPandas (7): Magnus, pandora, Chomps, Kanave, Ash, Quail, spookycat27
LittleLee (1): Badeline
Ash (1): Badeline
Quail (1): RedPandas

Not Voting (3): LittleLee, Anonygoose, FusionMoon314

I can’t believe you’ve (accurately) flanderised the spectator thread using their basest attributes!


I forgot to include the additional notes after that, that’s my bad. Here’s what was intended.

161 - expresses a dislike for prisma’s opening. Doesn’t state why. (88) Poking at the passive playstyle of Prisma. An easy thing to pin on new/players proned to being paralyzed.
“All of it” is all there is. (167)

This entire pin on Prisma feels underdeveloped. Not thinking of reasons why until asked. Which was brought up by their own possible wolf teammate.

if it is lee then we genuinely do deserve the loss here. If it is ash then we deserve the loss. If it is quail then we deserve the loss. Badeline and Pandas simply do not act so evil next time. skill issue! Many such cases.

Ash/Lee team would be interesting. big if true. gg if true. Wolfteam of the year if true.

Pandas/Lee team we simply got outplayed by Lee’s innocence and Pandas doubling down on SRing them. That’s also a pretty good outplay! Congratulations

quail is never wolf

if quail is wolf then Genuinely Genuinely Genuinely high risk highest reward voting yesterday

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The stratagem as town is to manoeuvre yourself into the position which creatively makes the most sense and feels the most accurate, which is broadly what we’ve done here. If you’re falsely accused in such a position, you do whatever it takes to overturn it and pinpoint an accurate case, argue hell and back if nobody believes you. If everyone does that, it’s fair to feel gratified even with a loss. Currently, I feel really proud of how everyone has broadly played this game.


This constant flattery has to be bait, it must, it must!

Would an ISO on Ash be necessary or shall I wait until closer to End of Day?

There could be no harm. Deliberating at best is a neutral response, it’s only beneficial to review as many slots as possible.


Gotcha, gotcha. The blatant defenses of Pandas from Badeline recently, knowing what I know, sends sparks through my brain.

Just a matter of convincing…

Motivation tip: Resize your notepad window every now and then. Never too small. Never. too small.