Maybot's Combinatorics Mafia - GAME OVER, MAFIA WIN

I can’t wait to be made fun of in postgame chat for this

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I don’t expect this community to be too hostile about it- Tis only a game, after all.

I’ve been at the stage where certain individual slots feel irreparably villainous compared to each other, like how Goose just seemed super evil yesterday next to Chomps or Fusion, and now how Badeline looks villainous compared to anyone she’s been ranked against for a while, and it’s difficult to imagine anyone except Panda being evil. Seeing potential teams together works, but looking beyond those personal obstructions is a challenge. This feels correct, in an intuitive sense beyond saying “it mechanically works but I don’t know”. Y’know?


genuinely mafia is sort of goated for catching all three masons off of three 1/3s, me and magnus weren’t particularly hiding it but i don’t think I’ve said a word to spooky in public


Prove it. What’s the hexadecimal code of your alignment card written backwards in morse code?
(This is a joke.)


whatever the code to time travel was in that first Futurama revival special

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I asked why Panda townread Spooky then didn’t really hide it. I didn’t think concealing three Masons in nine players for a long period of time was worth trading off control over the jails.

You or I could’ve been jailed and then framed in that case and it would’ve been difficult to swing that from the shadows.


Anonygoose (9): Magnus, pandora, Chomps, Kanave, Badeline, Ash, spookycat27, RedPandas, LittleLee
Badeline (9): Magnus, pandora, Chomps, Kanave, Ash, spookycat27, RedPandas, Quail, LittleLee
RedPandas (8): Magnus, pandora, Chomps, Kanave, Ash, spookycat27, Quail, LittleLee
LittleLee (1): Badeline
Ash (1): Badeline
Quail (1): RedPandas

Not Voting (2): Anonygoose, FusionMoon314

Like I didn’t really push it, I didn’t question Spooky in public much or anything.


Combined with whatever the pools were, the disconnection might have been too disconnected. Seen as deliberate. Gambled and it paid off.

You could always ping Goose and ask which masons they guessed in order.


Might be a thing for post game. They seem rather adamant about being silent until then. Despite the peculiar liking habits.

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I think it’s a way to feign comfort in the thread, like “I’m pretending to be confident so I’m liking all your posts on purpose, the alternative is doing nothing and then you’ll win!”


Comfort as a whole or for their fellow teammates? Or more so a false comfort- We’ll so win regardless. Yes.

There were over two hundred likes, it crosses the boundary into insanity.


I didn’t realize, pfff- desperate attempt at a distraction despite already being confirmed! Testing their power without saying a word!!

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Getting Ash’s interactions with the presumed wolves out. In summary, it’s a stark contrast to Pandas. Seemingly against them from the beginning with very little faith and friendliness implemented.

15 - Remarks Anonygoose’s sudden appearance as the third poster. Baffled.

37 - Speculates with Anonygoose and Chomps as to what the best strategy is. Initially suggests to go for those we believe are evil, gets turned down by Goose, rebuts how it would waste time to go for 0/3

43, 46 - Jokes about Goose’s real name, playfully doubtful. Obviously very familiar with each other already. Won’t bring up additional quips between these two.

66 - I lied. Another joke post. Openly claiming to be mafia from the get go like it’s the least integral part of his mission.
Okay no more joke posts for real. Unless am bad at looking at things as jokes.

79 - Calls out Goose for making claims right out of the gate. Goose reasonably disagrees, and keeps going regardless.

94 - First interaction with Badeline. Continuation of his chant about hailing the Maybot to Prisma/Kanave. No substance, nor change in general behavior all ISO.

163 - Commentates on Badeline’s questioning of Redpanda’s Prisma read. Seemingly same attitude as last interaction. Badeline responds with a serious, blankety answer, not wanting to have reads out there for no reason.

165 - Ash jokingly responds, as his reads are clearly all about lacking substance. Like his own brand. Badeline responds with an… honest take comparing gut reads and unbacked ones. Not followed up on.

177 - Is asked by Badeline what his general thoughts on the game are. Felt very conflicted, while openly displaying for both Badeline and Prisma. Badeline doesn’t seem to take it too well. Feels genuine.

270 - After comparing pandora’s relaxed state to Badeline’s early game, Anonygoose is very immediate in questioning the take on pandora, invertedly defending Badeline. Ash is put off by this.

352 - Remarks on Badeline’s first vote. (RedPandas,Badeline, LittleLee)
Already picking up on what would soon be a common behavior among the found wolves. Voting themselves along with a teammate to seem separated. Anonygoose is the one to rebut by saying Ash is doing the same thing.

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This is just day 1. These seem to be the most telling, and are a vast majority of Ash’s posts.

You all are really set in your beliefs, huh?

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Knowing that magnus is mason does make sense why I scumread them the entire time. I was right that they were pushing agenda and had TMI, they just happened to have those for town reasons. Plus Magnus did heavily shade me, there is no denying that.

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