Iā€™ll never argue again

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Official D3 VC

Voted Voter Votes
Prophylaxis catbae, Cape90 2/5
Cape90 Prophylaxis, BradLand 2/5
Arctic Kiiruma 1/5
Nightingale Arctic 1/5
Not Voting Gorta, Nightingale, Mistyx 3

Ping host for mistakes

gotta love daylight savings time

okay why is everyone afk

wolves decided to peace out lmao

so did the entire village

if you can see arctic/cape/brad, why are you voting arctic overā€¦ the person with two votes on them already (cape)

what is your read on nightingale, mistyx, and catbae?

how did I fall off exactly? outside of the both of us not really real-time interacting at SoD1 i think iā€™ve been fairly clear and in-depth with my thoughts this game

this is why i want to know if youā€™ve read my posts or not

heā€™s not hunting wolves

heā€™s lazily pushing town and hoping to not get caught in the process

Part of me feels like a wolf got a wagon on them, so either Proph or Cape, and Kii noticed and started to try to turn the attention elsewhere.

The fact that he started to go after me like days late of me being FOSā€™d is a symbol of it.

Already explained why

I townread Mist.
Night/Cat arenā€™t strong reads. I think theyā€™re just less likely to be W team based on current world build

yeah kiiruma i scrolled down and saw that you already answered that, my bad


after lol flipped i took a look at who thought he was town but didnā€™t really do anything to move the needle wrt the execution. cape was at the top of my list ā€“ brad also was doing this but he was griping in a way that felt blatant and not in a way that a wolf would draw attention to. ditto with gorta

in the world where cape is w, pretty sure catbae is likely to be v based on how cape treated him early and how catbae honed in on him late d2

wrt wazza, i think that if she can prove her doublevote + the fact that her vote was removed today makes her pretty likely to be town? wolves having both an extra vote and a vote remover seems excessively OP

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did drunk you think that catbae was town

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iirukuma is owlgyg
pteh thproblrem is t hattt everyoen is wnolfy except arcticcc/coatbae/agrota
ithnikn gorta tris villagre
htast oggood storat

kiirumaa/mistiylx / =ā€™?
maybeau cape ia stt now onn teh table sinc allnwnas osavillager

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosnā€™t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.


I hate both the fact that I actually could understand it but you did it anyways and made me seethe the misspells.

Iā€™m going back to North Carolina and Iā€™m telling my stoner friend about it.


i think so lmao

will respond to other stuff when i get home, just skimming on mobile atm

Iā€™m absolutely using that word trick when Iā€™m neutral evil in the future, especially if Iā€™m fool because the troll potential seems unlimited and itā€™s not speaking in code

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Iā€™ll probably be out for some portion of the day but as always should be around tonight

(btw my last post was an old internet meme, no such study was conducted)

do you have any impression on me or my wagon

youā€™ve put me as neutral for most of the game but we have also not really interacted forā€¦ most of the game

You pushed me before my push on you though. What was your read on Squirrel before they died, I assure you they were not really playing towny.